Monday, September 14, 2020

Beware of the Air ðŸ’Ļ☢️☠️

I hope everyone is breathing okay in all this smokey air! The best thing to do is just stay indoors with an air purifier. When the air quality is this bad it can do some serious damage to your lungs. 

I'm so happy the gyms are open again! Now is the the time to get back into your exercise routine if you haven't already. I think the best time to work out is first thing in the morning. The gyms are usually relatively empty and it's better for your body to workout on an empty stomach. Some people think that if they take something before weight training, like a "pre-workout" drink, then they will perform better. This is not true. Your body will function just fine without any supplements or food before your workout. I've experimented with this many times and I've actually been stronger on an empty stomach. 

The food plan is still going strong. Eating your carbs separate from your fats is the way to go. You actually don't have to eat any carbs at all, but I do after I workout in the morning to help replenish my glycogen storages. It works for me but maybe not for you. You have to see how your body responds. 

Stay healthy my friends and stay indoors if you can until all this smoke clears out!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am  11 oz coconut ðŸĨĨ water,1 scoop Raw Grass Fed Whey blended with fruit 🍌🍓🍍, 1 scoop super green food, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:30 pm ~  6 chicken eggs ðŸģ scrambled in 2 ozs of butter and lots of salt and hot sauce.  1.5+ lbs fried beef ðŸĨĐ, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 grams Omega 3 Fish Oil, 11 cups black coffee and 2-4 ozs heavy cream.

5:30 pm ~  Lots of Salt ðŸ§‚ with sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,650

238 grams Protein

130 grams Fat

110 grams Carbohydrates

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