Monday, August 3, 2020

Your Spine is Your Lifeline ⚡

I hope everyone had a great week living the Chiropractic Lifestyle. Life is really awesome when you are healthy and feeling good. The secret to good health is found in a lifestyle. I've tried all different types of living and I can tell you that the Chiropractic Lifestyle is the best way to live. 

Remember the 3 elements of the Chiropractic Lifestyle are: 1. Spine Care 2. Healthy Food Intake 3. Regular Exercise. There are so many other things you can add to the mix but these 3 things are the foundation. 

One part of the Chiropractic Lifestyle some people get confused about is Spine Care. Some people think that if their spine feels good then what is there to do? Well, do you only take care of your teeth only when they hurt? Do you decide one day, "oh my my teeth are a little sore I better go brush and floss"? Of course not, that would be crazy! But unfortunately that's how most people think about their spine. If it doesn't hurt, it must be fine. 

Well, your spine is just like your teeth but far more important and the bad news is that you can't get a new spine. Once you lose your spine health, it's gone for good. Your spine, just like your teeth, requires regular maintenance or care. 

A really cool way to remember what to do to practice regular Spine Care is to simply remember that you must maintain M.A.S. in your spine; M=Mobility, A=Alignment, S=Strength. 

Mobility means you must keep your spine moving by stretching, foam rolling and getting adjusted. 

Alignment means you must keep good posture or spinal alignment. When you're standing, sitting, working on the computer or hunching over your phone all day these activities or abnormal postures stress and strain your spine and literally pulls your spine out of alignment. As you do this everyday this causes accumulative stress on the spine leading to inflammation, loss of motion, pain, spinal degeneration and arthritis. 

Strength means exercising the muscles that hold your spine in alignment. Basically, your must strengthen the back muscles and stretch the front muscles on a regular basis. 

When you practice regular Spine Care not only do you feel better and experience optimal bodily function but a healthy spine is directly related to your overall health and longevity. 

If you want more detailed information about Spine Care, just make an appointment with me and I will be happy to explain in more detail. 

As always, stay healthy my friends, and seize the day! 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:30 am  11 oz coconut water,1 scoop Grass-Fed Whey Protein blended with 16 oz berries, 2 bananas, 1 scoop organic green powder, 5 g magnesium/calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:30 pm ~  6 chicken eggs scrambled in 2 ozs of butter and lots of salt and hot sauce.  1.5 lbs fried beef, salt, hot sauce  10 cups black coffee and 2-3 ozs heavy cream.

5:30 pm ~  About 3,500 mg salt with 42 ozs of carbonated water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,650

238 grams Protein

130 grams Fat

110 grams Carbohydrates

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