Thursday, December 26, 2019

Stuffed Like a Turkey!

Did everyone get enough to eat yesterday?

For me, it was just the normal meal plan. I've lost all cravings for anything else, so I was perfectly happy eating steak, eggs, and cheese. 

When your food plan is already lit, there's no reason to eat anything else. Happy as can be and never hungry. 

I hit another PR at the gym on leg day. I did 315 lbs for 10 reps, which is the most I've ever done in my lifetime. The funny thing is the only thing I've changed in the past year is my food plan. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

7 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana), 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, and 5 g creatine.

12 pm 2 lbs of Beef, 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 3 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed cow butter, sea salt, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, and heavy whipping cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,608
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
66 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Easiest Food Plan Ever 🥩🍳🧀

Wow, I am still in a state of shock of how easy and nutritious my current food plan! I've never had a food plan so easy and satisfying. 

With my other food plans, I would always be hungry after 2 to 3 hours. The night hunger was the worse. Usually, around 9 or 10 pm I would be absolutely starving and the hunger pains in my stomach would be ridiculous. 

Now the only time I feel hungry is about 2 to 3 hours after my shake but after my 🥩🍳🧀 meal, I'm good for 12 hours.

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Post-Workout Shake ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana), 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

1 pm 2 lbs of Beef, 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 3 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed cow butter, sea salt, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,608
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
66 grams Carbohydrates

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Where's the beef?!

One of the hardest factors in the Chiropractic Lifestyle is the healthy eating part. For a lot of people, healthy eating is frustrating and usually not fun. 

The good news is the way of eating I'm teaching is easy, fun, and you look forward to your big delicious meal every day. And the best part about it is that you never get hungry!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Post-Workout Shake ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana), 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

1 pm 2 lbs of Beef, 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 3 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed cow butter, sea salt, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,608
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
66 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Shop til you Drop! 🎁

Who is ready for Christmas? Hopefully, you finished all your shopping on all the big sales this past weekend. 

With the holidays in full gear, the good food and fun parties are the way of life now. This doesn't mean you just abandon your healthy lifestyle and live a life of indulgence. It's okay to partake in some goodies here and there, or maybe even skip a workout or two. Enjoy life and have fun!

As for me, I'm sticking to the plan as usual. The crazy thing is I don't mind at all because I LOVE everything from my food plan to my workout routine. 

I created a sustainable lifestyle that I teach, promote, and endorse. The Chiropractic Lifestyle is a way of life that keeps me going until I die. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

12 pm 2 lbs of Fatty Beef, 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed cow butter, sea salt, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Post-Workout Shake ~ 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happy Turkey Day 🦃

Here comes the biggest food consumption day of the year! Time to stuff yourself like a turkey 🤣

The best thing you can do is eat, drink, and be merry! Have fun and enjoy life. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

12 pm 2 lbs of Fatty Beef, 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed cow butter, sea salt, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Post-Workout Shake ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Living the Dream

It feels so good living that healthy life! I just love how simple it is. 

I also still love how simple my food plan is. So simple, so easy, and so nutritious. I have no plans on changing anytime soon. This food plan is definitely sustainable. 

The workouts are staying consistently strong and productive. Even though my body weight has been staying around 180 lbs and sometimes in the high 170s, my strength and endurance levels are better than ever before in my lifetime. 

If you are still on the edge with the food plan, have no fear and jump! You will not regret it. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

1 pm Last Meal ~ 2 lbs of Fatty Beef, 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed cow butter, sea salt, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

Sustainability is a huge factor in choosing a type of healthy lifestyle. This can pertain to your food plan, exercise program, supplement regime, or any other health practice. 

There are a lot of things a person can do to get healthy and stay healthy. This is especially true when it comes to different exercises one can do. I've said this before and it's worth saying it again, but you must keep your lifestyle as simple as possible. If you make your routine to difficult to follow in the long term, you will eventually quit and resort back to your old ways. 

The simpler you make your healthy lifestyle the easier it is to stick to it for a lifetime. 

The Chiropractic Lifestyle is sustainable and effective. When you follow and practice this lifestyle you will have a healthy happy life!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

1 pm Last Meal ~ 2 lbs of Fatty Beef, 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed cow butter, sea salt, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Few The Proud

I hope everyone survived Halloween without getting attacked by zombies and vampires! I think for most people they got their full fill of candy and alcohol. If you were one of those party animals that is fine, just don't make it a habit. 

It's okay to let loose on the goose every now and then. The idea is to practice self-control and live in moderation. Being and staying healthy is not dependent on one day or one night. Health is an accumulation of habits and routines practiced on a daily basis. Health is simply in a lifestyle. If your lifestyle is 90% on point, then you will have a happy healthy life. 

Remember life is short and no one gets out alive. The good news is that you should be able to enjoy a healthy life with full function for the time you are alive. If you keep following and living the Chiropractic Lifestyle then this is your best chance to maintain healthy function until the last day. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb to 2 lb of Beef, 6 eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, butter, salt, 3 g New Zealand Grass-Fed Liver, 3 g Grass-Fed Beef Organ Complex, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween 👻🎃

Watch out for all those ghouls and goblins out there today! Another scary thing to avoid this year would be candy!

I remember as a kid growing up we would have contests to see who could collect the most candy. In fact, I ate candy, cakes, soda and ice cream all the time as a kid. Now I couldn't imagine having any at all. It takes a while to lose your sweet tooth but when you do all the cravings disappear. 

Here are some pics me from July and September. I've been maintaining the same physique now for several years. I've been lazy on my IG so I will try to post more pics to show my body composition. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb to 2 lb of Beef, 6 eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, butter, salt, 3 g New Zealand Grass-Fed Liver, 3 g Grass-Fed Beef Organ Complex, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Summer In October

Wow, just when you think summer is over it's back again  

You gotta love this California weather!

So, I hit another personal best yesterday with the squat. I did 3 sets of 10 reps with 315 lbs on the back squat. I am stronger and leaner now than I've ever been in my whole life. My energy levels are constant all day and I'm never hungry. 

All these changes started happening when I increased my red meat consumption and started eating only 2 meals per day. The trick with food planning is experimentation. You have to try different things if you want different results. 

The good news is I'm taking all the guesswork out of it by sacrificing my time, energy and food choices every day of the week to help you figure out what works best. If it works for me it will work for you. Keep playing follow the leader and experience the best health of your life. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb to 2 lb of Beef, 6 eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, butter, salt, 3 g New Zealand Grass-Fed Liver, 3 g Grass-Fed Beef Organ Complex, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Living the Dream

Who is staying fit and healthy all year long? Well, we are right?! 

There is no "season" to get healthy. Health is a full-time everyday state of being. We the people living the Chiropractic Lifestyle understand this and practice healthy habits every day.  

I help make this easier as your coach and mentor. I live the dream to make a reality for you and your family. 

Stay the course and stay healthy my friends!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb to 2 lb of Beef, 6 eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, butter, salt, 3 g New Zealand Grass-Fed Liver, 3 g Grass-Fed Beef Organ Complex, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Still Alive and Kicking

The best part about waking up is being alive another day. 

Life is so precious and so short. This is what makes life so special. Time accelerates as we age, and people often realize how short life is when it's almost too late. 

The purpose of life is to just live in the moment and bask in the experience. There is no prize at the end or some mystical afterlife. This is it. Live your life right now because in the end there's nothing more. 

This illusion of individuality is a dream. We are simply infinite energy expressing itself through a form for a very brief moment. Anything you want to do just do it because this will be your only chance. 

The good news is that the better you take of your physical body the more capable you will be to do what you want. So instead of having 55 good years and 30 horribly sick years, you could have 80, 90, or 100 years of life with optimal health and function. 

Keep following the Chiropractic Lifestyle and you will have that full and healthy life you desire. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex, 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, butter, salt, 3 g New Zealand Grass-Fed Liver, and 3 g Grass-Fed Beef Organ Complex

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Oktoberfest 🎃

We are unbelievably already into October! This year went by so fast! The good news is we are still alive and healthy. 

I think I have discovered the best of the best food plans ever in the history of food plans. I'm still living that 2 meals a day life and feeling satisfied beyond belief. 

In the gym, I am breaking my personal records. I getting strong every single workout. I'm leaner than I've ever been and I'm also stronger than when I was 265 lbs 12 years ago. 

Follow my lead and do what I do and you can feel like this too!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic mixed fruit, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex, 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, butter, salt, 3 g New Zealand Grass-Fed Liver, and 3 g Grass-Fed Beef Organ Complex

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, September 23, 2019

Best Food Plan

I think by far my current meal plan is the best ever. I just love how simple it is and convenient. It was always such a hassle cooking all the time. Only having to cook once a day is great. 

I'm also totally satisfied and never hungry. My body recovers faster from workouts and I heal fast from injuries. 

If you haven't tried this food plan yet, give it a try!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 16 oz organic tropical fruit blend, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex, 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, butter, salt, 3 g New Zealand Grass-Fed Liver, and 3 g Grass-Fed Beef Organ Complex

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fit, Healthy and Happy 😎

Happiness is what you make it! Everyone has their own definition of happiness. Happiness can be related to your career, love life, accomplishing goals, or a combination of a lot of different things. 

Personally, my happiness is directly correlated with my health. If I'm healthy, I'm happier than a clam. Health is so precious, just like life. I'm so grateful and thankful for my health. 

The reason I love my health so much is that without health I wouldn't be able to work, exercise, or simply enjoy life. Health is the foundation of everything. 

The lesson learned is to prioritize health over everything else. You must maintain your health to enable you to be happy. The good news is I have the secret to health and longevity. When you live the Chiropractic Lifestyle like me, you will enjoy the fruits of life for many years to come. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 12 oz organic mixed berries, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex, 3 g Bone Marrow

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2 oz raw milk cheese, butter, salt, 3 g Multi Glandular, and 3 g New Zealand Grassfed Liver

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream, 5 g salt 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Life is Amazing!

I hope everyone had another great week living the Chiropractic Lifestyle. Staying healthy has never been easier when you know what to do. Use me as your template and I will sacrifice myself in the name of health. 

The big 3 for health and longevity: Spine Care, Healthy Eating, and Exercise. Of course, you may want to practice good hygiene and do brain exercises, but otherwise, the fundamentals are key. 

Health is not found in a pill, potion, or lotion. 

Keep up the great work and have a fantastic week. 

Carpe Diem!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 12 oz organic mixed berries, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex, 3 g Bone Marrow

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2 oz raw milk cheese, butter, salt, 3 g Multi Glandular, and 3 g New Zealand Grassfed Liver

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream, 5 g salt 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, September 2, 2019

Hello September!

I can't believe we are almost into the holidays again 😜 This summer went by really fast. The older I get the faster time goes by. Every day is a gift. Life is precious, appreciate every moment. 

My food plan is going strong. I have lots of energy all day long and I'm never hungry. My morning workouts are going fantastic. Of course, all my workouts are done during the last 2 hours of my 20 hour daily fast. No pre-workout needed 😂 I'm actually feeling stronger and I'm building more muscle than ever before.

My Spine Care is right on track. I get adjusted every week to maintain mobility, and I'm keeping my spine in alignment and strong by doing my postural exercises 2 times per week. 

Nothing to it but to do it! If I can do it, so can you. Keep up the good work and I'll lead the way. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 12 oz organic mixed berries, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex, 3 g Bone Marrow

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2 oz raw milk cheese, butter, salt, 3 g Multi Glandular, and 3 g New Zealand Grassfed Liver

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream, 5 g salt 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, August 26, 2019

Bye Bye August ✋

I hope everyone had a wonderful week of health and happiness! I'm still loving the new food plan. It's super convenient and easy. I think I'm going to stick to this for a long time. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 1 banana, 12 oz organic mixed berries, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 T Raw Honey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex, 3 g Bone Marrow

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.5 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2 oz raw milk cheese, butter, salt, 3 g Multi Glandular, and 3 g New Zealand Grassfed Liver

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream, 5 g salt 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,935
251 grams Protein
168 grams Fat
99 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fun in the Sun 🌞

The two-meal a day plan is really working out good for me. I think it's the most convenient way to get in your daily nutrition plus you get the benefits of intermittent fasting. 

I've been sticking with this plan now for the past 4 weeks and still I'm baffled to the fact that I don't get hungry in the evening hours. My theory is that when you eat a lot of red meat you are getting more nutrition than you would if you eat a lot of plant foods. But even when I was eating a lot of chicken, I still would be getting hungry in the evening hours. 

My workouts in the gym are going great. I'm feeling strong and plenty of endurance. I think working out in the morning is the best time to lift. When you get it done first thing then you know it will be done every day. Evening workouts can be easy to skip if you're feeling tired or lazy after work. 

Stay the course my friends and let me know how you like the new food plan!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 2 bananas, 12 oz organic mixed berries, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex

1 pm Last Meal ~ 1.25 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2 oz raw milk cheese, butter, salt, 3 g Multi Glandular, and 3 g New Zealand Grassfed Liver

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream, 5 g salt 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,035
221 grams Protein
298 grams Fat
97 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, August 12, 2019

Turn Up the Heat 🔥

Food is fuel, not entertainment. Understanding this concept frees you from overeating and food dependencies. 

Although I realize food is culture and communion, however, the essence of food is to provide nutrients for sustaining life. 

Change your mindset and change your life. You are in charge of what goes into your body. So choose wisely my friend. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal ~ 2 bananas, 12 oz organic mixed berries, 2 scoops Raw 100% Grass-Fed Whey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 g creatine, 9 g Multi-Collagen Complex

12 pm Last Meal ~ 1.25 lb Beef, 6 eggs, 2 oz raw milk cheese, butter, salt, 3 g Multi Glandular, and 3 g New Zealand Grassfed Liver

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, heavy cream, 5 g salt 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,035
221 grams Protein
298 grams Fat
97 grams Carbohydrates

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...