Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Laser Focus 🙃

Wow, this first month of 2021 has just flown by!

I hope everyone is ready for big day of love. By now you should be almost done with your box of love for your sunshine of happiness 😍

It seems like things are about to open up soon as well. So, hang in there, life should be back to normal soon. 

I’m really looking forward to working out indoors again. I’ve been freezing my butt off outside for the past few months. I think when you can’t do the things you love to do; it really does give a sense of appreciation for the things we do have. Life is a privilege and it goes by fast. And apparently, these days our freedoms are a privilege as well.

Keep pushing forward and stay focused!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan: 

9 am   👉 6 chicken eggs scrambled in 2 oz butter with salt and hot sauce. 1.5 lbs. of grilled beef with salt, hot sauce, magnesium, and 12 cups black coffee. 

2 pm   👉 11.2 oz coconut water and 1 scoop grass fed whey protein blended with 16 oz strawberries and 1 banana, 1 scoop super greens, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, and 5g creatine. 

Sparkling water as needed. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,336 Protein: 245 grams Fat: 112 grams Carbs: 87 grams

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Stay Alive & Healthy 🤠

Living the Chiropractic Lifestyle amounts to daily habits you do every day. Your habits should be easy, enjoyable, and reproducible. If you're living a life that is difficult and makes you uncomfortable, then that is not sustainable.  

Living a lifestyle that is healthy should not cause you any pain or misery. The only time that things can be tough, are during transitional periods, when you're trying to develop new habits. The good news is, once you get the hang of your new way of life, things become easier and flow with ease. 

As human beings, we are designed to adapt to our environment, get stronger, and thrive. Our physiology wants to be healthy. It's actually really simple for our bodies to get and stay healthy, but only if you are doing the right things. You must feed the body the right ingredients for health.  

I have heard some people say that human are living longer than ever before because of advancements in medicine. Well, that's just not true. We are actually living shorter lives and have more health problems. 

The problem is that medicine was designed to help people when they are injured or sick. It was never meant to keep people healthy. Sure, the doctor may give you tips on how you can lower your body fat or get more exercise, but by then it may be too late. We can't wait for sickness before we start making changes.  

You must take action now! Do not wait for illness before you start practicing wellness. Get started before symptoms develop. Do not take your health for granted. Almost all disease and health problems are directly correlated with the lifestyles we live.  A simple solution is to find the right lifestyle that fortifies health and fulfills your healthcare requirements. 

Through many years of experimentation, I have discovered the lifestyle that works for almost anyone that has a normal functioning physiology. I try to make it really simple for you to follow. 

Health isn't exactly automatic but it doesn't take much to stay healthy! 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan: 

9 am   👉 6 chicken eggs scrambled in 2 oz butter with salt and hot sauce. 1.5 lbs. of grilled beef with salt, hot sauce, magnesium, and 12 cups black coffee. 

2 pm   👉 11.2 oz coconut water and 1 scoop grass fed whey protein blended with 16 oz strawberries and 1 banana, 1 scoop super greens, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, and 5g creatine. 

Sparkling water as needed. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,336 Protein: 245 grams Fat: 112 grams Carbs: 87 grams

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

New Years Jam!

I hope everyone had a great first week of the year. You must stay locked and cocked on your goals. Never give up and you will succeed. 

I've been seeing a lot of new people at the gym these days, and I really can't wait for some of those people to throw in the towel and sleep in. 

There's only one 24 hour fitness open in San Jose and it's outdoors. It's actually really hard to get a workout time because everything is by reservation and you have to wait until midnight the day before to reserve your spot. I discovered the only way to get the time you want is to wake up in the middle of the night bathroom and get a time. 

Back in the good old days, hardly anyone worked out in the morning, but now it seems like the whole city of San Jose is there working out in the morning. I always reserve the earliest workout time but still there's over 140 people there!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan: 

9:00 am ~  11.2 oz coconut water 🥥 , 2 scoops Grass Fed Whey Concentrate 🐄 blended with fruit 🍌🍑, 1 scoop super green food 🥦🥬, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3 + K2, and 5 g creatine.

1:00 pm ~  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter 🧈, salt 🧂, and hot sauce.  1.5 lbs pan fried beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, magnesium, and 12 cups black coffee ☕ 

6:00 pm ~ Sparkling water 

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,316

240 grams Protein

112 grams Fat

87 grams Carbohydrates 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

New Year New You 😀

Now is the time to fulfill those goals you have been trying to achieve. Write out your plan and take action! If you have multiple goals, the work involved may seem overwhelming, but just take it one step at a time. You may be surprised that you can achieve a lot over time when you are consistent with your actions. 

Hopefully, health is at the top of everyone's list. I try to make being healthy easy for you by providing a plan for success. I not only teach the plan, I practice the plan, so I can lead by example and prove that it works. 

Let's make this the best year of your life and go for what you know!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan: 

9:00 am ~  11.2 oz coconut water 🥥 , 2 scoops Grass Fed Whey Concentrate 🐄 blended with fruit 🍌🍑, 1 scoop super green food 🥦🥬, Calcium Citrate, Magtein, Vitamin D3 + K2, and 5 g creatine.

1:00 pm ~  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter 🧈, salt 🧂, and hot sauce.  1.5 lbs pan fried beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, magnesium glycinate, and 12 cups black coffee ☕ 

6:00 pm ~ Sparkling water 

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,316

240 grams Protein

112 grams Fat

87 grams Carbohydrates

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...