Monday, November 30, 2020

Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner 🤤

One down and one to go! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The holidays can be rough on the food plan but don't worry about it. Remember, health is all about what you do on a regular basis, not what you do occasionally. 

Hopefully you have found a great gym or have created a way to workout at home. Currently, there are several gyms still open but all workouts are outside only. 

Setting up a little gym at home is easy. All you need is a squat rack, a bench, a pull down machine, olympic bar and some weights. Your initial investment may be expensive but at least you will always have a way to do your workouts. 

Your spine needs your time and attention as well. If you want to stay mobile, flexible, and active as you age, you must keep your spine healthy. 

Be careful out there and stay healthy my friends!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am ~  11.2 oz coconut water 🥥 ,1-2 scoops Raw Grass Fed Whey Concentrate 🐄 blended with fruit 🍌🍒🍑, 1 scoop super green food 🥦🥬, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:00 pm ~  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter 🧈, 2 ozs cheese 🧀, salt 🧂 and hot sauce.  1 3/4 lbs pan grilled beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 g Omega 3 Fish Oil 🐠, 2 g Magtein, and 11 cups black coffee ☕ 

6:00 pm ~ Sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,510

252 grams Protein

112 grams Fat

112 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, November 23, 2020

Happy Turkey Day! 🦃🍗🥧

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving! 

Be safe and enjoy your time with your family. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am  11.2 oz coconut water 🥥 ,1-2 scoops Raw Grass Fed Whey Concentrate 🐄 blended with fruit 🍌🍒🍓, 1 scoop super green food 🥦🥬, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:00 pm  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter 🧈, 2 ozs cheese 🧀, salt 🧂 and hot sauce.  1 3/4 lbs pan grilled beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 g Omega 3 Fish Oil 🐠, 2 g Magtein, and 11 cups black coffee ☕ 

6:00 pm ~ Sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,510

252 grams Protein

112 grams Fat

112 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Few The Proud 💪🏼

Most people only think about their health when the have a health crisis. Very few people are proactive and live a lifestyle that reinforces health and longevity. 

If you follow and live the Chiropractic Lifestyle you are part of the upper 1% of the population. I know that sounds crazy but literally 99% of people do nothing for the good of their health. 

Health is an accumulations of habits over time. However, disease is also an accumulation of habits over time. Less than 5% of all diseases are genetically mediated. All the other diseases humans suffer from are due to bad habits, environmental factors, or side effects from medications. 

Hopefully, this should be empowering to know that for the most part you are in control of your health. 

Stay the course my friends and keep living the Chiropractic Lifestyle for health and longevity!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am  11.2 oz coconut water 🥥 ,1-2 scoops Raw Grass Fed Whey Concentrate 🐄 blended with fruit 🍌🍒🍍, 1 scoop super green food 🥦🥬, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:00 pm  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter 🧈, 2 ozs cheese 🧀, salt 🧂 and hot sauce.  1 3/4 lbs pan grilled beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 g Omega 3 Fish Oil 🐠, 2 g Magtein, and 11 cups black coffee ☕ 

6:00 pm ~ Sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,510

252 grams Protein

112 grams Fat

112 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, November 9, 2020

Happy Birthday Marines 👹🐶

Back on November 10, 1775, my Marine Corps came alive! 

Stay indoors and batten down the hatches, because there will be a bunch of crazy drunk jar heads roaming the streets tomorrow. 🍻

If you know a Marine give him a hug and show your respect because someone has to fight for our freedom and American way of life.

Don't worry about me, I'll be in bed by 9pm, but I will never forget my Marine brothers. 

🦅🌎⚓ Semper Fi

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am  11.2 oz coconut water 🥥 ,1-2 scoops Raw Grass Fed Whey Concentrate 🐄 blended with fruit 🍌🍒🍍, 1 scoop super green food 🥦🥬, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:00 pm  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter 🧈, 2 ozs cheese 🧀, salt 🧂 and hot sauce.  1.5+ lbs pan grilled beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 g Omega 3 Fish Oil 🐠, 2 g Magtein, 12 cups black coffee ☕ and 2-3 ozs heavy cream. 

6:00 pm ~ Sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,870

252 grams Protein

146 grams Fat

112 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, November 2, 2020

Smooth Sailing ⛵

When you eat food that is dense in nutrition, you don't need much to keep your body healthy and satisfied. The food that I eat and recommend in the Chiropractic Lifestyle is the best food to keep your body functioning at an optimal level. 

Another great thing about eating nutritionally dense food is that your body is satisfied and not hungry for many hours. After my last meal at around 1pm, I don't even start feeling hungry until the next day. Some people ask me how can I not eat "dinner"? The truth is, I'm just simply not hungry! 

I think when your body feels hungry then you are not giving your body enough nutrients. Hunger is the bodies way to tell the brain to eat because you are deficient. Unfortunately, most people try to feed the hunger with food that is lacking real nutrition. So soon after a person eats that person is hungry again. 

You will find that when you eat the food I recommend, and in the right quantities, you will be satisfied for many hours. If you are eating all the right food but still feel hungry then increase the amount until you find out what your body wants. When you are in tune with your body you will understand what it needs. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am  11 oz coconut 🥥 water,1 scoop Raw Grass Fed Whey blended with fruit 🍌🍒🍍, 1 scoop super green food 🥦🥬, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:00 pm  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter 🧈, 2 ozs cheese 🧀, salt 🧂 and hot sauce.  1.5+ lbs fried beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 g Omega 3 Fish Oil 🐠, 2 g Magtein, 11 cups black coffee ☕ and 2-4 ozs heavy cream. 

6:00 pm ~ Sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,870

252 grams Protein

146 grams Fat

112 grams Carbohydrates

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...