Sunday, January 27, 2019

Building Momentum

I'm already seeing a slow down at the gym. Some people are already throwing in the towel and waiting for next year. I understand it's hard to make time to work out several times per week and stick to it every week, all year, every year, for the rest of your life.

Ironically, most people's health goals are simply to shed a few pounds of fat. Not many people want to be a bodybuilder or professional athlete. They just want to look lean. So then why do most people spend hours in the gym doing all sorts of strange exercises to fulfill their lean goal? I blame it on social media. People see these super fit people doing all these strange exercises so naturally people copy what they are doing expecting the same result. 

The bad news is that you can not out train a poor diet. If your goal is to look lean and decrease body fat, then you must control food intake and a regular basis. The good news is that you don't need to carve out extra time in your busy life to make time for eating healthy. You just have to make better choices and be CONSISTENT!!! 

Consistency is the key to any goal you want to accomplish. Just because you ate 1,200 calories every day during the week and eliminated sugar M-F, does not mean you can overindulge on the weekend. 

When it comes to diet and fat loss it's all about building momentum. You are either building momentum towards burning fat or you are building momentum towards gaining fat.  Building momentum takes time. When a person first starts a diet plan it could take 6-7 weeks before their body starts the fat burning momentum. 

It's like pushing a car on a flat surface. At first, it's really difficult to get the car rolling but once you get the car moving a little bit it starts to pick up speed and pretty soon it's hard to stop the forward momentum. This is where a person needs to be with their fat burning goal. They should get to a point to where they think, wow, I better eat some more food because I'm getting too skinny! 

Just remember that momentum can shift the other direction as well. Like in the car example, if you were to stop pushing the car once it picked up speed, eventually the car would slow down and stop. This is why some people who do stick with the plan and get as lean as they want, then start to eat poorly again, start to see the fat coming back. This is because when you start to get lazy on the diet plan, it takes about 3-4 weeks for the momentum to shift back towards gaining fat again. 

I know getting and staying healthy can be difficult and this is why I'm here to help. I live the life I teach to motivate, inspire, and lead by example. I've gone through it so I know how to be a better teacher. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Pre-Workout Meal 1  ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Trader Joe's Super Red Drink, 1 scoop 100% Grass Fed Unflavored Whey Protein, 8 oz Organic Pomegranate Juice, and 5 grams creatine.

Post-Workout Meal 2 ~  Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake1 scoop Trader's Joe's Super Green Drink, 1 scoop 100% Grass Fed Unflavored Whey Protein, 8oz Mixed Berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries), 1 apple, and 3 Organic baby beets

Meal 3 ~ 6 Hard Boiled Large eggs, Spices: Cayenne Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce, Oregano, Turmeric, TJ's Chili Lime Seasoning Blend, Sea Salt, Black Pepper, 1/4 cup Brown Rice Medley, 2 Tbsp Butter, 2 1/2 cups Brocolli, 6 oz Carrots, and 4 oz Crimini Mushrooms.

Meal 4 ~ 10oz Chicken and 5 pickles

Beverages ~ Organic Green Tea, Sparkling Mineral Water, and 10 cups organic black coffee with 2-3oz heavy whipping cream  

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,267 
234 grams Protein
257 grams Carbohydrates 
58 grams Fat
67 grams Fiber

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