Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nothing to it but to do it!

I've added some more powerful antioxidant foods to the plan and some foods which naturally increase testosterone. The Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan is still affordable for anyone on a budget. It is possible to eat organic and healthy, and still save lots of money on your food bill. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup black rice, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (2pm) ~  Isalean Shake, 10oz pineapple, 1 scoop Red Drink

Dinner (4pm) ~4 Hard boiled eggs, 1cup Beets, 1 Organic Kiwi

Evening (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1/4 cup Organic Raisins, 1/4 cup almonds

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July is flying by!

I had another great week of eating healthy and exercising. My workouts have been amazing. I'm stronger now than I ever have been in my whole life. I'm setting personal records with almost every workout. I had an awesome adjustment yesterday, so now my body is recharged and ready for a new week. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup black rice, 1/3 cup Organic Red Kidney Beans, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (2pm) ~  Isalean Shake, 8oz pineapple, 1 scoop Red Drink

Dinner (4pm) ~4 Hard boiled eggs, 1 organic orange

Evening (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 4oz Sunflower seeds

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer time fun!

Another great week living the Chiropractic Lifestyle! The more I do this the easier it is. I love getting adjusted every week, eating good food, and exercising. It's so easy once you get in the habit; and the benefits are living longer, youthful energy, and being able to do anything you want without having age as a limitation. If you want this life, then do what I do and it can be yours. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup black rice, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~  Isalean Shake, 8oz pineapple, 1 scoop Red Drink

Dinner (6pm) ~4 Hard boiled eggs, 1 organic orange

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 4oz Sunflower seeds

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Let the sun shine!

I hope everyone had a happy 4th of July! We are off the hook from holidays for awhile. Now it's time to get outside, go to the beach, and love life. If you want to get healthy and stay healthy, stay regular with the Chiropractic Lifestyle.

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup black rice, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~  Isalean Shake, 8oz pineapple, 1 scoop Red Drink

Dinner (6pm) ~4 Hard boiled eggs, 1 organic orange

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 4oz Sunflower seeds

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Loving this weather!

This is one of my favorite times of the year. The sun is shining, people are having fun and the days are long. If you live the Chiropractic Lifestyle life is easy and full of energy. Keep up with the 3 pillars of health! Maintain regular chiropractic adjustments, eat good food, and exercise daily. Do these three things and live long and thrive. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup black rice, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~  Isalean Shake, 8oz pineapple, 1 scoop Red Drink

Dinner (6pm) ~4 Hard boiled eggs, 1 organic orange

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 4oz Sunflower seeds

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...