Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Love Yourself ❤️

Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s time to wine and dine your valentine. Hopefully, you have someone special to spend time with today, and you can share the love and happiness you feel.

This is a perfect day to show yourself some love. Love and respect your body by giving it the healthy food it deserves and the daily exercise it needs to stay healthy.

The food plan is going strong. They had Rib Eyes on sale this week. This is a delicious cut of meat. The extra fat gives the meat a lot of flavors and keeps it tender. I have also been enjoying some pasture-raised eggs. I prefer eggs from hens that are allowed to freely roam around outside and eat their natural diet. Chickens are not vegetarians but most factory-raised chickens are fed a vegetarian diet. This is why yolks from factory chickens look pale with a light yellow tinge. You know you are getting a good egg when the yolk is bright fluorescent orange.

The exercise plan is going great. I hit a new personal record with my squats the other day. I’m rehabbing my chest injury and I’m feeling better and stronger every day.

Have a great week and try not to freeze to death.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

 Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am 👉 2 bananas, 2 Oranges, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1500mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Premium Beef Organs, Vitamin D, Vitamin K. Organic Coffee, 2 oz Organic half & half.

10 am 👉 6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter,  200 mg Magnesium, 

12 pm 👉 16 oz cooked beef and salt.

8 pm 👉 200 mg Magnesium

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