Monday, July 20, 2020

Going Bananas 🦧

I hope everyone is doing okay during these stressful and uncertain times. I wish we could all go back to normal and live out our lives like we used to. 

Life is too short as it is, and especially as we get older, every year is so precious. You don't realize how much you love your hobbies and your lifestyle until it's taken away from you. Well, all we can do is follow the rules and stay positive. 

I was doing the math with my food plan and I think I'm was a little deficient in potassium. So I decided to add a few bananas to increase my potassium levels and I added some coconut water to the mix as well. I think it's best to keep your carbohydrate consumption far away from your fat consumption. The reason is because whenever you eat a carbohydrate this spikes your insulin levels. When insulin levels are high fat burning is shut down and your body goes into storage mode. So, if you mix carbs and fats together in the same meal, this could lead to unwanted fat storage in all the wrong places. 

The cool thing about your Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan is customization. You can follow the general outline but you need to tweak your macros to fit your energy demands. 

Stay the course my friends and do not let our current environment drive you into depression and negativity. Get outside and experience nature as much as possible. Be happy and appreciate your life and your health.

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

12:30 pm 6 chicken eggs scrambled and fried in 2 oz butter and salt.  1.5 lbs pan-fried beef, salt, hot sauce, and 10 cups black coffee, and 2 oz heavy cream.

6 pm ~ 11 oz coconut water,1 scoop Grass-Fed Whey Protein blended with 16 oz berries, 2 bananas, 1 scoop organic green powder, 5 g magnesium/calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

9 pm ~ 3,500 mg salt in carbonated water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,650

238 grams Protein

130 grams Fat

110 grams Carbohydrates

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