Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Happy Super Bowl Week 🏈

Super Bowl parties are a breeze when all you basically eat is meat! Almost, everyone loves a bbq, just beware of the sweet bbq sauce 

I hope everyone had another great week living life with optimal function. I think the number one way to maintain optimal function is by maintaining mobility. You can have the best food plan in the world and take all the best supplements, but if you lose movement or mobility in your body, this is when you start feeling old and losing function. 

The good news is that all major body movements originate from the spine. If you keep your spine mobile and strong, then you can keep your body feeling young and healthy. A person is only as young as their spine. Nobody can stop aging, be we all can keep moving. 

Helping people maintain spinal mobility is what I spend most of my working time doing every week. I localize and mobilize areas in the spine that aren't moving normally. Usually, a person can maintain normal spine mobility on their own by stretching, foam rolling, and exercise. But sometimes there are areas in the spine that are difficult to move by yourself. Sometimes you just need a helping hand to get things moving again. 

Mobility is a lifetime struggle, but the truth is you must keep moving every day if you want to stay healthy. Then, you add in the Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan, and you have sealed the deal on lifetime health!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food and Exercise Plan:

7 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana), 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, and 5 g creatine.

8 am to 9 am ~ Weight Training

11 am 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed butter, sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, coffee, and a few ounces of organic heavy whipping cream.

6 pm to 8 pm ~ Sparkling mineral water, sea salt, and calisthenics.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,608
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
66 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Beef Does a Body Good! 🥩

My Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan has never been easier and more satisfying. I think I have found the holy grail of eating. It's so simple, so fulfilling, and so nutritious. 

After my last meal of the day, I'm completely satisfied and never hungry all the way to bed. I absolutely love this way of eating. I just wish I discovered this food plan 40 years ago!

My workouts are better than ever and I'm still getting stronger every workout. With my previous food plans, I noticed fluctuations in my performance at the gym. Sometimes I would feel strong, sometimes I would feel weak. But ever since I started eating more meat and fewer carbs, my performance has been consistent. 

If this works for me, it will work for you. I'm nothing special. Just an average human with discipline. Follow my lead and live a healthy life with optimal performance!

Chiropractic  Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food and Exercise Plan:

7 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana), 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, and 5 g creatine.

8 am to 9 am ~ Weight Training

11 am 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed butter, sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, coffee, and a few ounces of organic heavy whipping cream.

6 pm to 8 pm ~ Sparkling mineral water, sea salt, and calisthenics.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,608
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
66 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Calories Don't Count

One of the biggest myths in food planning is thinking calories makes a difference. The most important aspect of a food plan is the type of food consumed not necessarily total calories. 

When people start gaining fat on their bodies the cause is due to high levels of insulin. The only way a person can have high insulin is if they are eating a diet high in sugar and starch. 

If you only eat fat and protein, then you would never have an insulin spike, and therefore would never gain fat. Yes, this has been studied and dissected by a lot of people, but the best way to know for sure is to experiment on yourself and see what happens. 

Give it a try!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food and Exercise Plan:

7 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana), 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, and 5 g creatine.

8 am to 9 am ~ Weight Training

11 am 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed butter, sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, coffee, and a few ounces of organic heavy whipping cream.

6 pm to 8 pm ~ Sparkling mineral water, sea salt, and calisthenics.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,608
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
66 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Slaying 2020 💯

So far, so good! I'm keeping up with the routine and working on staying healthy. I'm living the dream. 

Give 100% into everything you do this year. Focus on being the best at whatever it is that you do. Do it for you and only you. This is the only life you get and when you're dead, you are dead. There is no prize at the end. Everything is over. 

So enjoy life now, be happy now, do what you want in your life now; don't wait. 

No regrets, make it happen!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food and Exercise Plan:

7 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana), 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, and 5 g creatine.

8 am to 9 am ~ Weight Training

11 am 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed butter, sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, coffee, and a few ounces of organic heavy whipping cream.

6 pm to 8 pm ~ Sparkling mineral water, sea salt, and calisthenics.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,608
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
66 grams Carbohydrates

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Broke, Healthy and Happy?

Happy New Year! 🎉🎊🎆🐁

If I had to choose between being broke or healthy, I would pick healthy every time. The one thing money can't buy is health. Sure, you can hire the best health coaches and pay top dollar for high-quality food, but the state of being healthy is not for sale. 

This is why you must follow my lead and embrace the Chiropractic Lifestyle. When you eat good food, exercise every day, and keep your spine mobile, you will experience sustainable health. I've put in the work for over 37 years, to learn, experience, and share the knowledge of health. 

Just do what I do and make your own personal tweaks to fit your ability to stick with the plan. Like with the food plan. You may want to consume more or less meat depending on your physique. But, one thing I will not recommend is more sugar. Sugar is the #1 cause of many health problems including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

You must stick with saturated fats and protein. This is the best for the human body for a long and healthy life. The good news is that, in spite of what you have been told, there is NO association between saturated fat and cardiovascular disease. In fact, the research shows that people who eat a diet high in fat and protein have the LOWEST risk of getting cardiovascular disease 🤯 (1)

Also, Eskimos (who only eat meat and fat) become weak and ill when their fat intake gets too low. 

Here is an interesting link talking about that. 

Eskimos Prove An All Meat Diet Provides Excellent Health Part 1

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food and Exercise Plan:

7 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 16 oz organic tropical fruit (pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana), 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, and 5 g creatine.

8 am to 9 am ~ Weight Training

11 am 6 pasture-raised chicken eggs, 2.5 oz raw milk cheddar cheese, grass-fed butter, sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, and 3 g Grass Fed Bone Marrow.

6 pm to 8 pm ~ Calisthenics and stretching

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, and organic heavy whipping cream

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...