Thursday, September 10, 2015

Heat Wave!

Wow it's been really hot lately! Hopefully by Saturday it's suppose to cool off. 

I had another great week living and teaching the Chiropractic Lifestyle! The secret to living a long and healthy life is to do what I do and teach. One is you must get your spine adjusted every week to reduce and lower stress on your nervous system, which affects your whole body. The number one cause of the top 3 things that kill you in life, heart attacks, cancer, and stroke, is stress. It's imperative to consistently reduce your stress levels to have good health and longevity. The best possible way to do this is by getting regular Chiropractic adjustments every week. 

Second, you must eat clean, healthy, organic food on a regular basis. Treat your body like it's a lamborghini. If you want peak performance add the best fuel possible. 

Finally keep moving every day! Sedentary lifestyles will cause you to age faster and predispose you to various types of health problems. You must exercise everyday and stay active. 

See your health is in your hands! Good health is all about the lifestyle you keep. You are not a victim of genetics. Live the lifestyle I promote for optimal health!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:
Breakfast (10am) ~  Vanilla Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 scoop Fruit-N-Whey Protein, 1 Organic Banana, 2-3 cups black coffee

Lunch (12pm) ~ Vanilla Isalean Shake1 scoop Red Drink, Fruit-N-Whey Protein1/4 cup almonds

Mid-afternoon (2pm) ~ 6 Hard boiled Organic Free Range eggs from local Chicken Coop, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 1 tsp Chia Seeds, 1 cup steamed organic carrots, and 1 cup steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Dinner (5pm) ~ 16oz Organic Free Range Ground Turkey1 1/2 cup Pesticide Free Blueberries

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

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