Saturday, September 30, 2023

First Rain of Fall ☔

Bye, bye September

I hope everyone had a great week living the Chiropractic Lifestyle. 

The food plan for me has been amazing. I especially love my beef, eggs, rice, and cheese combo. This combination is delicious and it's a great breakfast. I’m full all morning and into the early afternoon. 

For my last meal, I took out the potatoes because they made me too full and I felt bloated. I also read that potatoes are full of oxalates, which can lead to problems like kidney stones. That’s too bad because potatoes are loaded with potassium. But, between my coconut water and bananas, I feel like I’m getting adequate potassium.

The exercise plan is going strong. My body loves working out in the morning. I’ve been doing my 30 minutes of cardio after weight training, and that has been working perfectly.

My spine care plan has been regular and consistent. I do regular foam rolling, stretching, and adjusting to maintain spinal mobility. I’m keeping my spine in alignment by doing my postural exercises 2 times per week, which also keeps my core muscles strong for spinal stability.

Enjoy your week and trust the process because it works! When you have the right strategy for health, everything works the way it should.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:30 am 👉 Weight training

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 scoop Multivitamin powder, 8 oz beef, 3 organic eggs, 4 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 1 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

2 pm 👉 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 bananas, & 1 scoop fruit powder.

3 pm 👉 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,569 Protein: 158 grams   Fat: 106 grams   Carbs: 241 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Fall In 🍂

This month is flying! I can’t believe it’s almost October. Time is so precious and you can never get back lost time. The good news is that when you stick to a plan and stay consistent, time will move faster than you think. It’s the little things we do on a daily basis that add up over time.  

I’ve been adjusting to my new food plan this past week, and I’m actually liking it a lot. I discovered how delicious sweet potatoes are and I incorporated them into my food plan. I like them a lot better than regular potatoes. I also notice that when I eat sweet potatoes for my last meal, I am fuller longer into the evening.

My Chiropractic Lifestyle Exercise plan has been going great. I started doing cardio again but I think I need to wake up a little earlier to compensate for the extra time doing cardio. My body naturally wants to wake up at around 5 a.m. anyway. We do have a time change coming up in November, and I hope this is the last time they change the clocks in California.

My Chiropractic Spine Care plan has been on track. I’ve been maintaining my spinal mobility, alignment, and strength. It’s important that with strengthening you do spinal stabilization exercises. These exercises activate and strengthen the core musculature around the spine. The core muscles literally hold and stabilize the spine whenever you perform a movement. This is because your spine is made out of individual bones called vertebrae and they need muscles to hold them in alignment when you bend, twist, and turn. It’s more of a dynamic stabilization because the core muscles allow movement in the spine but prevent individual vertebrae from moving inadvertently. If you have a weak core then when performing a movement, like bending over to pick up something, one of the vertebrae can slip out of alignment.

Well, try to get outside and enjoy these last 3 days of summer, because the first day of fall is on Saturday 🤯

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

6:30 am 👉 Weight training

9 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1 scoop Multivitamin powder, 8 oz beef, 3 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 1 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

2 pm 👉 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 bananas, 1 scoop fruit powder, & 1 medium sweet potato.

3 pm 👉 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,569 Protein: 158 grams   Fat: 106 grams   Carbs: 241 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Life Experiment 🌊

Last week was amazing! 

I’ve been staying consistent with the Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan, exercise plan, and spine care plan. I made a few adjustments to the food plan this week and so far, so good.  

Life is one big experiment and a wonderful experience. Since life does not come with instructions on how to stay healthy, we have to figure it all out on our own. There are so many recommendations and strategies it’s hard to figure out the best approach. Personally, I like to base my information on what’s published in the scientific literature. 

Unfortunately, studies pertaining to the optimal diet are inconsistent and outdated. In fact, there are numerous studies coming out that reveal the devastating effects that vegetable oils have on our health. There are charts that show a dramatic rise in heart disease and other pathologies since the advent of vegetable oils into the American diet. I would estimate that 99% of all restaurants fry and cook with some type of vegetable oil. You would be hard-pressed to find one that cooks with animal-based fats like lard. This is one of the reasons why I don’t like eating out. The best way to control your food plan is to cook at home.

Exercise is another ongoing experiment. This is especially true the more experienced you get. Depending on your goals, you should change your exercise routine often. This would include exercise selection, repetition ranges, sets, and intensity. Your body will adapt quickly and you may see your progress plateau. However, you should stick with one particular routine for at least 6 weeks before changing it. Some people like to change what they do every time they work out. Again, this is an experiment, so you have to play around with your workouts until you find what works best for you.

Stay healthy my friends and enjoy every day to the fullest!

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

6:30 am 👉 Weight training

9 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 2 bananas, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop fruit powder, 1 scoop collagen powder, 8 oz beef, 3 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 1 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

2 pm 👉 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, & 10 small potatoes.

3 pm 👉 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,569 Protein: 158 grams   Fat: 106 grams   Carbs: 241 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies 

Friday, September 1, 2023

Bye Bye Summer 😔

Happy September! 

I just got done doing a 3-day fast. This was the most extended fast I have ever done. It was definitely more challenging than the 2-day fast, especially on the 3rd day. Ironically, I wasn’t really hungry, but by the end of day 3, I couldn't wait to eat the next day. Throughout my 3-day fast, I only drank water with salt. My goal was 1 gallon of water per day, but it was tough to hit that goal because I wasn’t thirsty. I continued to exercise during my fast and I didn’t notice any weakness or fatigue. I even did a judo class and felt great. 

If you are thinking about trying this, you should start with a 1-day fast first and work your way up to a 3-day. You also need to take in electrolytes and water but just no food. I stopped drinking coffee a few weeks ago which made this fast easier because I didn’t have a throbbing headache all day.

The food plan is going great. No significant changes this week. I’m still not getting sick of beef yet, but when I do, I will go back to chicken. However, I was thinking about trying out some ground beef with rice. The rice will increase my carbs but it would make eating the ground beef more enjoyable.

I’ve actually been looking for some affordable grass-fed beef sources online. I did find a couple with reasonable prices. It’s too bad how all the junk food is so cheap and the healthy food is so expensive. I guess that’s why lower-quality food is cheap so that it can be produced in large quantities.

The exercise and spine care plan is staying consistent and working well for me. I love training my body in the mornings so that I have the evenings free to do other things.

Have a great week and keep making your health a priority!

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

6:30 am 👉 Weight training & Water Loo sparkling water.

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 2 bananas, 1 ½ cup organic blueberries, 20 oz pineapple, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop fruit powder, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

12 pm 👉 6 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 20 oz cooked beef, sea salt, & 22 grams beef bone broth protein powder.

3 pm 👉 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,380 Protein: 186 grams   Fat: 124 grams   Carbs: 184 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...