Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March Madness 🔥

Last week was tough for me. I came down with a cold and when I get sick, my appetite is nonexistent. I still forced down my necessary nutrition each day, but it was rough. I’m finally feeling normal again this week.

No major changes to the food plan this week. I went with a bottom-round cut of beef this week, I’m not a fan. This type of beef is dry with no flavor. I would not recommend it. I think by far my favorite cut is Tri-tip. Tri-tip can be a little chewy but always juicy.

My exercise plan is still on track. I’m feeling stronger and more flexible. I’m also getting a little leaner but still staying strong.

I hope everyone enjoys the last week of March. Watch out for Saturday. Don’t fall for any April fools’ jokes.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

 Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am 👉  6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 16 -18 oz cooked beef, salt, 1500mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Premium Beef Organs, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Organic Coffee, & 2 oz Organic half & half.

2 pm 👉 2 bananas, 2 Oranges, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 200 mg Magnesium

8 pm 👉 200 mg Magnesium, sparkling water

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,152 Protein: 179 grams   Fat: 124 grams   Carbs: 80 grams 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Day In & Day Out, That's What it's all about 🤠

I hope everyone had a great week!

I’ve been sticking to the plan and living the Chiropractic Lifestyle. The hardest part about living this life for other people is staying consistent. If you want results you have to be disciplined and follow the plan on a regular basis. If you experience a few days where you fall off the wagon, then pick yourself up and jump back on. A few days will not sabotage your whole plan. Just start over the next day. Eventually, your lifestyle will begin to be the new normal.

The workout plan is going strong. I find it is best to split up your workouts into different body parts. This would be done over a 4-day cycle. The first day you start with chest, back the next day, then arms/shoulders, and finally legs/calves. This split allows each muscle group to get stimulated at least twice per week.

Cardio could be done every day or a few times per week if you are doing interval training. I actually like to participate in a fun activity that stimulates my cardiovascular system. I tried the daily stair master cardio plan for over a year and I definitely got burnt out. The key is to make cardio fun by playing a sport.  

Enjoy your week and keep pushing forward toward your goals.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

 Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am 👉  6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter,16 oz cooked beef, salt,1500mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Premium Beef Organs, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Organic Coffee, & 2 oz Organic half & half.

2 pm 👉 2 bananas, 2 Oranges, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 200 mg Magnesium

8 pm 👉 200 mg Magnesium

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,152 Protein: 179 grams   Fat: 124 grams   Carbs: 80 grams 

Friday, March 10, 2023

It's Raining, It's Pouring, The Old Man is Snoring ☔

Rainy days are perfect for an indoor workout. So go to the gym and train those muscles. 💪🏼

Every day you must find a way to move your body. Motion is like lotion for your muscles and joints. Immobility is the root cause of joint arthritis (osteoarthritis). In fact, if you were to immobilize any of your joints, after only 2 weeks, early signs of arthritis will be seen on an x-ray. If you don’t move it, you literally lose it!

Unfortunately, the spine is most susceptible to degenerative arthritis due to the number of facet joints in the spine. Any one, or several facet joints, may lose normal movement due to previous injury, inflammation, sitting too much, or having poor lifting technique in the gym. 

Most people may not even realize they have a facet mobility problem. The problem is when you move bend forward or twist side-to-side, you may be able to do this, but this doesn’t mean that all of your facet joints are moving normally. Some facet joints may be compensating for other facet joints which are not moving. If you don’t catch this early, those facet joints will start to degenerate and eventually permanently fuse together.

A key component in spine care is locating and correcting facet joints that have lost their normal range of motion. When you restore normal facet movement, then you can move in all planes of motion normally without compensation. 

This is why I always emphasize that you must take care of your spine before it starts to hurt. Pain is usually the last thing that shows up. Being proactive with your spine care is critical to prevent degenerative arthritic conditions in the future. If you don’t take care of your spine, you are the one who will suffer the consequences of neglect.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

 Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am 👉  6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter,16 oz cooked beef, salt,1500mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Premium Beef Organs, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Organic Coffee, & 2 oz Organic half & half.

2 pm 👉 2 bananas, 2 Oranges, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 200 mg Magnesium

8 pm 👉 200 mg Magnesium

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,152 Protein: 179 grams   Fat: 124 grams   Carbs: 80 grams 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Happy 10 Year Anniversary 🥳

It has officially been 10 years since I started teaching, training, and practicing the Chiropractic Lifestyle 😳

If you go back to the beginning, you will notice I have changed the food plan a lot. But the concept has always been the same. The most salient aspect of the Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan is to always consume a diet that is about 80 to 90% protein and fat, and the rest makes up carbohydrates.

High carbohydrate, or sugar consumption, leads to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and many other problems. You actually don’t even need to consume carbohydrates. Your body really only needs protein and fat to survive and thrive. If you do need carbs, I only recommend fruit and honey.

The Chiropractic Lifestyle Exercise Plan is unique for each individual. The main idea is to keep your body in motion on a daily basis. There are all sorts of exercises that you can do, and you need to experiment with different programs that fit your lifestyle and personal goals. In my office, I work with people and help them figure out the best plan. 

The Chiropractic Lifestyle Spine Care Plan is similar to the exercise plan. You either keep your spine mobile and in alignment, or you will lose mobility and normal function. Every movement your body performs depends on a mobile spine. 

Most people only take care of their spine when it hurts. But by then it may be too late. If you let your spine pull out of alignment and get stiff, you will get arthritis and lose normal function. Remember, functional disabilities are the number one cause of pain, suffering, and dependency when you get older. So, do your future self a favor and be regular with your spine care and exercise.

Well, here’s to another 10 years of living, teaching, and helping people with the Chiropractic Lifestyle 🙌 It’s really simple and the only hard part is following my instructions.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

 Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am 👉  6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter,16 oz cooked beef, salt,1500mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Premium Beef Organs, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Organic Coffee, & 2 oz Organic half & half.

2 pm 👉 2 bananas, 1 Orange, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 200 mg Magnesium

8 pm 👉 200 mg Magnesium

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,152 Protein: 179 grams   Fat: 124 grams   Carbs: 80 grams

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...