Thursday, April 30, 2020

Adapt and Overcome

The human body was designed to adapt. Whatever conditions, circumstances, or environment humans are subjected to we are designed to become stronger over time. A good example of this is weight training. When you first start training a muscle group with a new exercise at first the exercise is hard. But over time with consistent exposure to the exercise, our muscles get stronger. Eventually, the exercise which started out as difficult becomes easier. This is a fine example of the built-in human adaptation response. 

Adaptation is the reason why humans have been around so long and continue to thrive. The key to reinforcing adaptation to provide the body with the right fuel and stimulus. 

The fuel are the nutrients you provide for the body and a daily basis to help with regeneration, repair, and growth. 

The stimulus is the strike that sparks the match to ignite the fire inside. This can be physical, mental, and sometimes chemical. A stimulus is a catalyst that starts a chain of events that results in adaptation. 

The good news is I have figured out the right formula for success. All you have to do is live the Chiropractic Lifestyle and you are giving the body all the ingredients it needs to maintain adaptation for a long and healthy life. 

Stay healthy and thrive!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

10 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 3 cups Organic Strawberries, Mangos, Pineapples, Peaches, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 1 scoop organic fruit powder, and 5 g creatine.

1 pm to 2:30 pm 6 chicken eggs (scrambled), 2 oz cheese (melted on top of eggs), grass-fed butter (cooked with the eggs), sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, 8 cups of coffee, and a few ounces heavy whipping cream.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,536
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
50 grams Carbohydrates

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Eat, Sleep, Repeat

Well, I hope you were able to find a place to exercise. You have to keep moving to keep your spine healthy. Do something, just keep moving.  

There should be no excuse with your food plan. Stick with the easy and healthy way of eating and do not change. 

The Chiropractic Lifestyle is the best way to stay healthy and live a long life with optimal function. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

10 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 3 cups Organic Strawberries, Mangos, Pineapples, Peaches, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 1 scoop organic fruit powder, and 5 g creatine.

1 pm to 2:30 pm 6 chicken eggs (scrambled), 2 oz cheese (melted on top of eggs), grass-fed butter (cooked with the eggs), sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, 8 cups of coffee, and a few ounces heavy whipping cream.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,536
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
50 grams Carbohydrates

Friday, April 17, 2020

Counting Down The Days

Wow, I just can't wait for this quarantine to be over! At this point, we are probably causing more harm than good. Millions of people are struggling financially, physically, and mentally. We must let people get back to their normal lives. 

Until then, we can still maintain our healthy food intake, exercise as much as possible, and keep our spines moving normally. 

Stay strong people!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food and Exercise Plan:

10 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 3 cups Organic Strawberries, Mangos, Pineapples, Peaches, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 1 scoop organic fruit powder, and 5 g creatine.

1 pm to 2:30 pm 6 chicken eggs (scrambled), 2 oz cheese (melted on top of eggs), grass-fed butter (cooked with the eggs), sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, 8 cups of coffee, and a few ounces heavy whipping cream.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,536
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
50 grams Carbohydrates

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Holding Down the Fort

I hope everyone is holding strong through these tough times. Staying healthy is so important, and this is why we must stay at home to help avoid infection. The good news is that if you have a healthy immune system then you should be just fine. 

Sometimes it takes a health crisis to wake people up about the importance of health. Unfortunately, being healthy is an accumulation of your daily habits. It's never too late to start living a healthier lifestyle. 

The best lifestyle you can practice is the one I teach. It's really simple and anyone can do it. 

Hang in there and try to stay positive. Please remember to stay active as much as possible every day. Even if you have to do jumping jacks and burpees in your living room...just do something!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies: 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food and Exercise Plan:

10 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 3 cups Organic Strawberries, Mangos, Pineapples, Peaches, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 1 scoop organic fruit powder, and 5 g creatine.

1 pm to 2:30 pm 6 chicken eggs (scrambled), 2 oz cheese (melted on top of eggs), grass-fed butter (cooked with the eggs), sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, 8 cups of coffee, and a few ounces heavy whipping cream.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,536
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
50 grams Carbohydrates

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Still Alive and Kicking!

Life is all good until you can't go to the gym and perform your regular hobbies. Thankfully, I have a friend with some weights in his backyard so I'm able to still keep some resistance on my muscles. Unfortunately, I can't do judo and muay thai, but that can wait for now. 

Definitely, you should not be slacking on your food plan. There is no excuse to be falling off the wagon and eating like crap. If anything, this is the time to be especially vigilant with your food plan to ensure a healthy immune system. 

Also, if you don't have access to weights then at least do something like pushups, pullups, situps, lunges, etc. Be creative and keep moving every day. Do not fall into the couch and be a slug for the next 4 weeks. If you do, your health will deteriorate quickly, and you will discover how vital movement is for your body. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food and Exercise Plan:

10 am ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 3 cups Organic Strawberries, Mangos, Pineapples, Peaches, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 1 scoop organic fruit powder, and 5 g creatine.

1 pm to 2:30 pm 6 chicken eggs (scrambled), 2 oz cheese (melted on top of eggs), grass-fed butter (cooked with the eggs), sea salt, 2 lbs of Beef, 8 cups of coffee, and a few ounces heavy whipping cream.

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,536
344 grams Protein
218 grams Fat
50 grams Carbohydrates

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...