Monday, June 24, 2019

Stay on Course

I had another wonderful week living and teaching the Chiropractic Lifestyle!

Staying healthy is easy when you know what to do. Follow my lead and stay healthy for life with optimal function. 

I made a little tweak to my food plan. I added in a few carbs. 

The workouts are going great and I'm feeling strong. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal 1  ~ 6 eggs, 1 1/2 cup white rice, 1 slice cheese

12 pm Meal 2 ~ 1 lb Meat

3 pm Meal 3 ~ 2 scoops Grass-Fed Whey, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 grams creatine

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee, cream, beef gelatin 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  2,835
215 grams Protein
172 grams Fat
77 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, June 17, 2019

Here Comes Summer!

I hope everyone had a great week living the Chiropractic Lifestyle!

Always remember the 3 main components of the Chiropractic Lifestyle: 1. Spine Care 2. Healthy Food Plan 3. Exercise. If all you did to stay healthy were these 3 things, you would have health and happiness with optimal function your whole life. 

If you don't believe it then that is why I am the living, breathing example. I will teach, motivate, inspire, and live by example to show people that there is a simple way to stay healthy without a garage full of supplements. The Chiropractic Lifestyle is the best way to live your life. 

If it works for me and my clients, it will work for anyone!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal 1  ~ 2 scoops Beef Protein Isolate, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 grams creatine

12 pm Meal 2 ~ 1 lb Meat, 3 eggs with a little Heavy Cream, 1 slice cheese, Butter, 2.5 g Salt

3 pm Meal 3 ~ 1 lb Meat, 3 eggs with a little Heavy Cream, 1 slice cheese, Butter, 2.5 g Salt

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,722
358 grams Protein
357 grams Fat
0 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, June 10, 2019

Longer Quality Years

I'm absolutely loving my food plan. I think the most appealing part is the simplicity of it all.

Even though I'm eating about 1,300 more calories per day my body is burning fat like a furnace. My body weight has dropped but my strength levels are going up.

At night I'm not feeling any hunger at all like I was before when eating carbs. This is a huge difference because sometimes on my old food plan at around 8 or 9 pm I would start to feel really hungry, but now I'm perfectly fine.

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal 1  ~ 2 scoops Vanilla Beef Protein Isolate, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 grams creatine

12 pm Meal 2 ~ 1 lb Meat, 4 eggs with a little Heavy Cream, Butter, 2.5 g Salt

3 pm Meal 3 ~ 1 lb Meat, 4 eggs with a little Heavy Cream, Butter, 2.5 g Salt

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee 

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,722
358 grams Protein
357 grams Fat
0 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, June 3, 2019

Bring on the Heat 🌞

I think summer is finally here! We missed you sun 😜

I'm loving the new food plan. I haven't had any actual carbs for 2 weeks now. The only carbs I have are the ones found naturally in whey protein. 

The most amazing thing is that my strength levels are going up and I have tons of energy all day every day. 

The myth that we need dietary carbs is just that a myth. Your body will make glucose from protein and fat via gluconeogenesis. 

Give it a try and see how you like it!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9 am Post-Workout Meal 1  ~ 2 scoops Vanilla IsaPro Whey Protein, 1 scoop Collagen Peptides, 5 grams creatine

12 pm Meal 2 ~ 1lbs Meat, 3 eggs, 1/4 cup Cheese, Heavy Cream, Butter, Salt

3 pm Meal 3 ~ 1lbs Meat, 3 eggs, 1/4 cup Cheese, Heavy Cream, Butter, Salt

Beverages ~ Sparkling mineral water, coffee  

Macros Break Down:
Total Calories:  3,500
302 grams Protein
280 grams Fat
4 grams Carbohydrates

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...