Thursday, August 11, 2016

Maintain Your Health

Your health is the most valuable possession you have. Once your health is gone, usually no amount of money in the world will get it back. This is why I promote the Chiropractic Lifestyle. This lifestyle I teach, promote, train and practice myself is your best chance to maintain a healthy body. 

Keep following my lead and do what you can to stay on track. If you have a bad day and "fall of the wagon", then get up and keep going. One bad day will not ruin your health. It's the accumulation of bad days and unhealthy habits that sabotage your health over time. 

Your health is very forgiving and will come back to 100% if given time and consistency. Never give up on your health and keep pushing forward. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (6:30am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 scoop Fruit-N-Whey Protein

Meal 2 (10:00am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake1 scoop Green Drink, Fruit-N-Whey Protein, 10 cups organic black coffee, 8oz berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) and 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

Meal 3 (12:00pm) ~ 6 Hard boiled Jumbo eggs, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 1 cup steamed organic carrots, and 1 cup raw organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Organic Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, Pepper, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce)

Meal 4 (3:00pm) ~ 16oz Chicken Thighs, seasonings (Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce) 1/4 cup almonds

Beverages ~ 4 servings Organic Green Tea and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Macros Break Down:
212grams Protein
59 grams Carbohydrates 
108 grams Fat
2,600 Calories

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