Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Change is Good

This week I made a few changes to my food plan and my workout plan. Now my weight training days are Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. With this schedule I'm able to exercise each body part every 4-5 days. This give me plenty of time to recover from each workout. 

The only change I made to the food plan is to include a high carb day on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. This ensures that my muscle glycogen is always full and ready to perform. 

Unfortunately if you do too many low carb days this can be detrimental to your weight training. This is because for one you have less energy to push through the sets, and as you lose glucose in your muscles, you also lose water. This actually dehydrates your muscles which can affect performance and predispose you to injury. A dehydrated muscle is not as resilient to physical stress.   

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Low Carb Day:

Breakfast (6:30am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 scoop Fruit-N-Whey Protein

Meal 2 (10:00am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake1 scoop Green Drink, Fruit-N-Whey Protein, 10 cups organic black coffee, 8oz berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) and 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

Meal 3 (12:00pm) ~ 6 Hard boiled Jumbo eggs, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 1 cup steamed organic carrots, and 1 cup raw organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Organic Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, Pepper, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce)

Meal 4 (3:00pm) ~ 16oz Chicken Thighs, seasonings (Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce) 1/4 cup almonds, 4 pickles

Beverages ~ 4 servings Organic Green Tea and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Macros Break Down:
212 grams Protein
59 grams Carbohydrates 
108 grams Fat
2,600 Calories

High Carb Day:

Breakfast (6:30am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 scoop Fruit-N-Whey Protein, 1 Banana

Meal 2 (10:00am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake1 scoop Green Drink, Fruit-N-Whey Protein, 10 cups organic black coffee, 8oz berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), 1 Banana and 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

Meal 3 (12:00pm) ~ 6 Hard boiled Jumbo eggs, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 1 cup steamed organic carrots, and 1 cup raw organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Organic Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, Pepper, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce), 1 Bagel

Meal 4 (3:00pm) ~ 16oz Chicken Thighs, seasonings (Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce) 1/4 cup almonds, 1 Bagel, 4 pickles 

Beverages ~ 4 servings Organic Green Tea and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Macros Break Down:
230 grams Protein
209 grams Carbohydrates 
111 grams Fat
3,290 Calories

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Healthy Living!

I had another amazing week helping people live longer and express more vitality. I love living the Chiropractic Lifestyle I teach. I believe one must have integrity and be a living example of what they're passionate about. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (6:30am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 scoop Fruit-N-Whey Protein

Meal 2 (10:00am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake1 scoop Green Drink, Fruit-N-Whey Protein, 10 cups organic black coffee, 8oz berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) and 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

Meal 3 (12:00pm) ~ 6 Hard boiled Jumbo eggs, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 1 cup steamed organic carrots, and 1 cup raw organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Organic Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, Pepper, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce)

Meal 4 (3:00pm) ~ 16oz Chicken Thighs, seasonings (Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce) 1/4 cup almonds

Beverages ~ 4 servings Organic Green Tea and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Macros Break Down:
212 grams Protein
59 grams Carbohydrates 
108 grams Fat
2,600 Calories

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Maintain Your Health

Your health is the most valuable possession you have. Once your health is gone, usually no amount of money in the world will get it back. This is why I promote the Chiropractic Lifestyle. This lifestyle I teach, promote, train and practice myself is your best chance to maintain a healthy body. 

Keep following my lead and do what you can to stay on track. If you have a bad day and "fall of the wagon", then get up and keep going. One bad day will not ruin your health. It's the accumulation of bad days and unhealthy habits that sabotage your health over time. 

Your health is very forgiving and will come back to 100% if given time and consistency. Never give up on your health and keep pushing forward. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (6:30am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 scoop Fruit-N-Whey Protein

Meal 2 (10:00am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake1 scoop Green Drink, Fruit-N-Whey Protein, 10 cups organic black coffee, 8oz berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) and 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

Meal 3 (12:00pm) ~ 6 Hard boiled Jumbo eggs, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 1 cup steamed organic carrots, and 1 cup raw organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Organic Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, Pepper, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce)

Meal 4 (3:00pm) ~ 16oz Chicken Thighs, seasonings (Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce) 1/4 cup almonds

Beverages ~ 4 servings Organic Green Tea and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Macros Break Down:
212grams Protein
59 grams Carbohydrates 
108 grams Fat
2,600 Calories

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Health is a Lifestyle

The hardest part about teaching the Chiropractic Lifestyle is getting people to do the 3 simple things; regular adjustments, exercise/stretch and eat healthy food. 

Each aspect has it's own challenges and excuses for people. Some people think that if they don't have pain then why get regular Chiropractic adjustments? My answer is simple, regular Chiropractic adjustments reduce stress on your nervous system, which is your life line. Your life force lives in your brain and your life force gives life to your body. If you interfere with the life force communication system, which is your nervous system, you will have less life force going to your body. Therefore your body does not function properly and eventually you will experience dysfunction and early death. So the key is to stay connected with Chiropractic!

Exercising and stretching on a regular basis is difficult for a lot of people because of work and family responsibilities. I understand this, so you have to be creative with how you squeeze it all in. 

Eating healthy food is always a choice and you can easily choose the right foods anywhere you may be. Just because you have a bad day of eating does not ruin your healthy efforts. Everyday is a new day, keep moving forward and start making the right choices. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (6:30am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 scoop Fruit-N-Whey Protein

Meal 2 (10:00am) ~ Creamy Dutch Chocolate Isalean Shake1 scoop Green Drink, Fruit-N-Whey Protein, 10 cups organic black coffee, 8oz berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) and 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

Meal 3 (12:00pm) ~ 6 Hard boiled Jumbo eggs, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 1 cup steamed organic carrots, and 1 cup raw organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Organic Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, Pepper, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce)

Meal 4 (3:00pm) ~ 16oz Chicken Thighs, seasonings (Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce) 1/4 cup almonds

Beverages ~ 4 servings Organic Green Tea and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Macros Break Down:
212grams Protein
59 grams Carbohydrates 
108 grams Fat
2,600 Calories

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...