Thursday, February 26, 2015

Spring is Almost Here!!

I guess we skipped out on the rainy winter season this year here in California! We definitely had the cold weather but I just wish we had the much needed rain. Hopefully March and April come through with some heavy showers. 

The Chiropractic Lifestyle is going strong for me and my practice members. Chiropractic gives you full brain power to all your body parts, so you can function at peak capacity. Good food gives you the energy you need to function and heal, and exercise conditions and trains your body to maintain strength and endurance. 

As long as you live this lifestyle and avoid toxic chemicals, you will live a long healthy life. The Chiropractic Lifestyle is the secret to live long and thrive!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 10 oz Alkaline Water, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Banana 

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled range free eggs, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ Isalean Shake10 oz Alkaline Water, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 cup Beets, 1 Organic Apple

Dinner (6pm) ~ 12oz Grass-Fed Beef, 10 oz pineapple

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Snack ~ Organic Popcorn

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Time is Flying!

I hope everyone had another great week living the Chiropractic Lifestyle! Keep pushing forward and stick to the plan!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 8 oz Organic Coconut Water, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Banana 

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled range free eggs, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ Isalean Shake1 scoop Red Drink, 1 cup Beets, 1 Organic Apple

Dinner (6pm) ~ 12oz Grass-Fed Beef, 10 oz pineapple

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Here comes Spring!

Healthy living is really easy if you have a plan! Continue to practice the Chiropractic Lifestyle if you want to live long and thrive. A simple formula for longevity. Keep pushing forward and enjoy life!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 8 oz Organic Coconut Water, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Banana 

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled range free eggs, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ Isalean Shake1 scoop Red Drink, 1 cup Beets, 1 Organic Apple

Dinner (6pm) ~ 12oz Grass-Fed Beef, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 1 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 10 oz pineapple

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Good Health, Great Life!

The key to happiness is being healthy. Health is the foundation for everything. Alway prioritize health before anything else. 

As a member in my practice, you are learning and practicing good health. Keep following the plan and never give up. If I can do it, so can you!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 8 oz Organic Coconut Water, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Banana 

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled range free eggs, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 2 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ Isalean Shake1 scoop Red Drink, 1 cup Beets, 1 Organic Apple

Dinner (6pm) ~ 12oz Grass-Fed Beef, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 1 tbsp Grass-Fed butter, 10 oz pineapple

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...