Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rain in August?!

That was a strange out of the blue storm we had Monday night. I was just leaving the gym and when I stepped outside I thought they washed the parking lot. Too funny...only in California I guess. 

My food plan went really well last week. I just love sticking to the Chiropractic Lifestyle and enjoying great health. I had to attend a wedding party on Saturday and I literally ate anything and everything I wanted with no limitations. When you live a life based on the Chiropractic Lifestyle a little deviation from the plan does no harm at all. Health is all about what you do the majority of your time. It's not about restricting yourself from everything you enjoy all the time. Keep things in balance. 

As usual the organic food supplies were affordable as ever:

No changes to my Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2 tbs butter, 2 tbs Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ 2 cups nonfat yogurt, 2 cups blueberries, 1 banana, handful walnuts, cinnamon, and 2 tbs raw organic honey

Dinner (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Apple

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1 Organic Orange

Late Night Snack ~ 2-4 servings (half the bag) of sunflower seeds.

I've been doing my weight training in the mornings and it feels great getting it done early. I think the morning is the best time to work out, that way you won't make excuses to miss your workout in the evening.

Tomorrow I'm getting my weekly spinal check up to clear my spine of subluxations. A clear spine equals full power to all my organs, muscles, and glands.

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