Friday, December 22, 2023

Merry Christmas 🎄

T-minus 3 days to Christmas! Time is running out, so you better finish your Christmas shopping. Then you have to wrap all those presents ðŸĪŠ Nothing to it but to do it!

I had another great week teaching and living the Chiropractic Lifestyle. The food plan is still amazing. My food plan keeps me full and provides all the nutrition I need to maintain optimal function. I have had a few treats here and there because of the holidays, but it didn’t lead to more eating off my food plan. However, I have noticed that when you don’t sugar and you try some sugar, the next thing you know you are craving sugary foods. I swear, sugar is like a drug. The only thing you can do if sugar cravings start kicking in is to dig down deep and have the tenacity and discipline to hold the line and not give in to temptations.

The exercise plan is consistent and easy to follow. There is nothing easy or fun about exercising, but I make the exercises short and simple so I can be consistent. If you make your exercise plan too difficult, you will burn yourself out and quit.

Spine care is the key to a healthy foundation. Normal spinal alignment is vital to maintain optimal function in your body. You can not wait for your neck or back to start hurting before you take spine care action. You must maintain spinal mobility, alignment, and strength. If you don’t, you will not only have pain but also dysfunction in your body. This is because your nervous system is protected by your skull and your spine. If you let your spine pull out of alignment, then it will put pressure on your nervous system. This is not good because your nervous system controls all systems in your body. Unfortunately, you don’t feel nerve interference. 

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am ðŸ‘‰ Cardio & Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am ðŸ‘‰ 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, 5 grams creatine, 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

'Tis the Season 🎋

Christmas is closing in. Who has all their shopping done? 

Sticking to your food plan can be difficult with all the holiday parties, but you know what to do. You can even do extra cardio if you indulge too much this holiday season.

Just don’t forget to do your resistance training. Muscles don’t care if you eat a lot of sugar, but you will lose lean muscle if you neglect your weight training. Your body craves and needs movement to stay healthy and strong. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes to do some muscle work. Consistency is the key to success.

Your spine is just like your teeth; it requires routine maintenance. Spine care is simple and easy. You don’t need to brush and floss your spine every day. All you have to do is maintain mobility, alignment, and strength. A quick way to see if your spine is in alignment is the door test. 

Stand up against a door and see if your head, shoulders, lower back, and heels are all touching the door. If not, then push your head back and squeeze your shoulders together, and this would be perfect spinal alignment. 

Posture is the window to your spine.  

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am ðŸ‘‰ Cardio & Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am ðŸ‘‰ 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, 5 grams creatine, 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Friday, November 24, 2023

Stuffed like a Turkey 😋

I hope everyone got enough to eat yesterday. Now it’s time to shop until you drop. This is a great day to get some good deals on your Christmas shopping. My favorite day is Cyber Monday. But last year there weren’t too many good deals.

If you overate and feel guilty don’t worry it’s no big deal. Just slide right back on track today and continue your normal food plan. One day of eating anything and everything is not going to be your downfall. It’s all good and your body won’t even remember yesterday after a few days of sticking to your food plan.

The gym looked like a ghost town this morning. Even at 5 am, there are usually a decent number of regulars who work out every day like me. But many of them were out of town or still passed out from their food coma. However, I’m sure later today the gym will be packed with all these people thinking they can work off all the food they consumed.

Enjoy your time off from work and enjoy this beautiful weather.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am ðŸ‘‰ Cardio & Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am ðŸ‘‰ 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving ðŸĶƒ

Rainy days are here again

The holidays are upon us and typically this time of the year is the hardest for people to stick to their healthy lifestyle. You can still enjoy the holiday food without sabotaging your health. Everything is in moderation and, one day of eating anything and everything, will not have a significant impact on your health. Just enjoy yourself, and if you feel like eating ice cream and pumpkin pie all day, then do it. The next day, pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. It would take several days of falling off the wagon and splurging on delicious delicacies to start changing your metabolism and placing you in fat-storage mode. Momentum shifts are real and they do take time to start and reverse. If you ever fall off your food plan for a while then you must expect to take some time to get back on track. 

I’ve been sticking to my food plan like a magnet. I absolutely love beef, rice, eggs, and cheese. It’s so good it should be illegal! Unlike most diets people do, I look forward to my award-winning meals. I always feel satisfied and full. I’m never hungry and I have energy all day long.

The workout plan is strong and consistent. I’ve been doing cardio every day for the past 2 months and it’s a great way to warm up before your weight training if you workout in the gym.

My spine care plan is regular and sustainable. I’m keeping my spine mobile, aligned, and strong. A healthy spine means better function and optimal health. Your spine care is the foundation of your health.

Applying these principles of the Chiropractic Lifestyle is essential to a long and healthy life. Keep your health plan simple and don’t overthink it.

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving. Please be cool, calm, and collective around your family. The holidays are not meant to argue about problems from the past.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am ðŸ‘‰ Cardio & Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am ðŸ‘‰ 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Healthy Routine 😀

Healthy living is easy when you have a plan. The Chiropractic Lifestyle provides a foundation for health and vitality. When you are mindful of your food intake, your exercise frequency, and your spine care, you can experience a life filled with energy and optimal function.

This time change definitely had an effect on my sleep! I find myself getting up way too early and I’m having trouble falling back to sleep. I wish the government would stop changing the clocks twice a year. I know a law was passed to stop daylight savings time in California, and the bill passed the Senate, now we have to wait for House approval.

The Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan is going great. I love my current food plan and I didn’t have any major changes this week. I enjoy splitting up my first big meal into two smaller meals. I don’t feel too full and I look forward to eating the second half.

The Chiropractic exercise plan is consistent and working great for me. My exercises are focused on maintaining strength and lean muscle. I still do about three sets to failure after I get in several warm-up sets. I do cardio on the stair master every day for thirty minutes before my weight training. My muscles feel warmed up and ready to go with this approach.

My Chiropractic spine care is integrated into my exercise routine. I add in core stabilization exercises when I train my back. I focus on back extension exercises with scapular retractions on an exercise ball and I do ball bridging while activating my transverse abdominus. I also maintain spinal mobility by seeing my chiropractor periodically and utilizing a spine roller to help maintain motion in all my vertebrae.

You better get out there and start Christmas shopping! Don’t procrastinate, get it done early and your future self will thank you!

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am ðŸ‘‰ Cardio & Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am ðŸ‘‰ 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Fall Back ⏳

Happy November! 

One holiday down and two to go. Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays but I’m not sure what I’m doing this year.

The food plan is on point and I love every meal. I feel full, satisfied, and never hungry. I experimented with protein intake to measure satiety, hunger, and performance. I figured it out what works best for me.

My workout plan is consistent and effective. I get up every day now at 4:30 am and I get to the gym at about 5 am. I start off with 30 minutes of cardio and then I do about 30-45 minutes of weight training. Waking up early gives me a chance to get all my workouts done and then have plenty of time to eat and get ready for the workday.

I’m keeping up with my spine care by maintaining mobility, alignment, and strength. A healthy spine equals normal movement and optimal function in the body.

Well, stay warm out there, the mornings have been frigid.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am ðŸ‘‰ Cardio & Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am ðŸ‘‰ 5.5 oz beef, 2 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Weather Diversity ðŸŒĶ️

The weather is back and forth. Fall is trying to start but then summer doesn’t want to end. I’m looking forward to a rainy and snowy winter. I remember back when I was a kid living in the Santa Cruz Mountains, we would always get a downpour of rain every year. We would walk around in the rain, trudging through the San Lorenzo River, living it up and having fun.

The food plan this week was on point and consistent. I absolutely love eating beef, eggs, rice, and cheese. It’s such a great combination and it even tastes good cold. When you create your food plan you should enjoy choosing foods that are delicious and healthy. Just because you are eating healthy doesn’t mean you should not enjoy your food. I literally look forward to every meal on my food plan and you should too. The days of eating dry chicken breast and disgusting broccoli are over for me.

My exercise plan is going strong and I enjoy doing the stair master before my weight training. When you do weight training, it’s best to split muscle groups up into parts and spread the program over 3 to 4 days. I also think being efficient with your time is a productive strategy to maximize your time in the gym or at home. I love to superset my workouts so that I’m not wasting time resting. If I can’t superset, I will stretch between sets. Stretching is important to do every day. The best time to stretch is during wasted time, like when looking at IG, FB, or watching a movie.

Spine care is the most important part of the Chiropractic Lifestyle because if your spine fuses together, you won't be able to move normally and the energy from your brain can’t power your organs, muscles, and glands normally. Spine care is vital for optimal health and normal function, especially as you age.

Remember, you are in charge of your health. Your future self will thank you for the healthy decisions you make today. 

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am ðŸ‘‰ Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 6 oz beef, 2 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am ðŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder.

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 6 oz beef, 2 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Halloween Vibes ðŸ‘―

Living the Chiropractic Lifestyle is the best way to stay healthy and maintain optimal function. The best approach to health follows the principle of Occam’s razor; the simple solution is often the best solution.

We hear about so many ways to get healthy and stay healthy. This can be confusing and complex. Life doesn’t come with instructions on how to eat, or how we should take care of our bodies to maintain health. We are left to figure it out through trial and error.

I have tried many different strategies for health over the years, and I finally came to the conclusion that you only need to focus on 3 factors: healthy food intake, regular exercise, and regular spine care. This combination has helped me and hundreds of others get healthy and stay healthy.

The food plan was amazing this week. I feel full and satisfied and I never get hungry in the evening. I took a break from coffee a few months ago and don’t even miss it. I used to drink coffee because of the flavor and I never really felt any kind of energy from it. This is probably because I drank coffee for so long my system grew tolerant to the caffeine.

I’ve been keeping up with my morning exercise routine and my body wakes up naturally without an alarm clock. In fact, even if I tried to sleep in, I couldn’t. I’m wide awake at around 4:37 a.m.

I’m keeping my spine healthy by maintaining mobility, alignment, and strength. The key is to prevent and slow down arthritis as we age. Once arthritis, or degenerative disc disease sets in your spine, not only will you have pain, but you will lose function in your ability to move and maintain a healthy body.

Well, I hope everyone has a great week. Keep pushing forward and never give up!  

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:30 am ðŸ‘‰ Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 scoop Multivitamin powder, 11 oz beef, 4 organic eggs, 4 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 1 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder.

3 pm ðŸ‘‰ 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Have No Fear ðŸ‘ŧ

Wow, what a week!

Fall is creeping in and I can’t believe we are in the midst of the holidays. One of the biggest challenges this time of the year is staying consistent with your food plan. The best strategy is to pick and choose foods that mirror your plan. You don’t have to eat exactly the same thing every day as I do. You just have to understand the food categories and choose similar foods when you are eating outside your food plan. Moderation is key. You can indulge in some holiday delights, it’s all right, just keep it light.

My exercise plan is on track and working well for me. The biggest challenge lately is finding the gym open in the morning. My gym normally opens at 5 a.m., but unfortunately, the person with this opening shift sleeps in frequently. For a while, we had a reliable person who would be consistent and never oversleep, but she had to go to another gym and now we are left with this new person who is irresponsible and should be fired. 

The Chiropractic Lifestyle Spine Care Plan is on track and I’m taking care of my back. I especially love my “IntelliRoll” which helps me mobilize my mid-back area. My chiropractor helps me mobilize my neck and lower back and I’m doing my core stabilization exercise to maintain a healthy posture and normal spinal alignment.

Enjoy your week and stay on the path of health and wellness.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:30 am ðŸ‘‰ Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 scoop Multivitamin powder, 8 oz beef, 3 organic eggs, 4 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 1 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 bananas, & 1 scoop fruit powder.

3 pm ðŸ‘‰ 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,569 Protein: 158 grams   Fat: 106 grams   Carbs: 241 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Saturday, September 30, 2023

First Rain of Fall ☔

Bye, bye September

I hope everyone had a great week living the Chiropractic Lifestyle. 

The food plan for me has been amazing. I especially love my beef, eggs, rice, and cheese combo. This combination is delicious and it's a great breakfast. I’m full all morning and into the early afternoon. 

For my last meal, I took out the potatoes because they made me too full and I felt bloated. I also read that potatoes are full of oxalates, which can lead to problems like kidney stones. That’s too bad because potatoes are loaded with potassium. But, between my coconut water and bananas, I feel like I’m getting adequate potassium.

The exercise plan is going strong. My body loves working out in the morning. I’ve been doing my 30 minutes of cardio after weight training, and that has been working perfectly.

My spine care plan has been regular and consistent. I do regular foam rolling, stretching, and adjusting to maintain spinal mobility. I’m keeping my spine in alignment by doing my postural exercises 2 times per week, which also keeps my core muscles strong for spinal stability.

Enjoy your week and trust the process because it works! When you have the right strategy for health, everything works the way it should.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:30 am ðŸ‘‰ Weight training

8 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 scoop Multivitamin powder, 8 oz beef, 3 organic eggs, 4 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 1 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 bananas, & 1 scoop fruit powder.

3 pm ðŸ‘‰ 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,569 Protein: 158 grams   Fat: 106 grams   Carbs: 241 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Fall In 🍂

This month is flying! I can’t believe it’s almost October. Time is so precious and you can never get back lost time. The good news is that when you stick to a plan and stay consistent, time will move faster than you think. It’s the little things we do on a daily basis that add up over time.  

I’ve been adjusting to my new food plan this past week, and I’m actually liking it a lot. I discovered how delicious sweet potatoes are and I incorporated them into my food plan. I like them a lot better than regular potatoes. I also notice that when I eat sweet potatoes for my last meal, I am fuller longer into the evening.

My Chiropractic Lifestyle Exercise plan has been going great. I started doing cardio again but I think I need to wake up a little earlier to compensate for the extra time doing cardio. My body naturally wants to wake up at around 5 a.m. anyway. We do have a time change coming up in November, and I hope this is the last time they change the clocks in California.

My Chiropractic Spine Care plan has been on track. I’ve been maintaining my spinal mobility, alignment, and strength. It’s important that with strengthening you do spinal stabilization exercises. These exercises activate and strengthen the core musculature around the spine. The core muscles literally hold and stabilize the spine whenever you perform a movement. This is because your spine is made out of individual bones called vertebrae and they need muscles to hold them in alignment when you bend, twist, and turn. It’s more of a dynamic stabilization because the core muscles allow movement in the spine but prevent individual vertebrae from moving inadvertently. If you have a weak core then when performing a movement, like bending over to pick up something, one of the vertebrae can slip out of alignment.

Well, try to get outside and enjoy these last 3 days of summer, because the first day of fall is on Saturday ðŸĪŊ

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

6:30 am ðŸ‘‰ Weight training

9 am ðŸ‘‰ 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1 scoop Multivitamin powder, 8 oz beef, 3 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, 1 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

2 pm ðŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 bananas, 1 scoop fruit powder, & 1 medium sweet potato.

3 pm ðŸ‘‰ 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,569 Protein: 158 grams   Fat: 106 grams   Carbs: 241 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies 

Happy 2025 ðŸĪŊ

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...