Monday, September 28, 2020

Older and Better ⏳

Every day you are alive is a gift. Time moves faster and faster the longer you are alive. None of us will live forever, and the older we get, the harder it is for our bodies to maintain optimal function. 

Our only strategy to preserve health is to live a lifestyle that fosters health. We all have choices on the lifestyle we live, but if you want to the best lifestyle to help you maintain optimal function and allow you to thrive, then the best choice is the Chiropractic Lifestyle!

I've been taking the lead now for several years and I will continue to do so. I love helping people take the guesswork on how to achieve lifetime health. My goal in life is to help as many people as possible restore health and maintain optimal function. When you have optimal function you can perform at your best in all aspects of your life. 

When you are performing at your best you are the best in everything you do. Optimal function is the groundwork and foundation for everything you do. When you build and maintain the infrastructure then you can build upon this foundation and create the life of your dreams. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am  11 oz coconut 🥥 water,1 scoop Raw Grass Fed Whey blended with fruit 🍌🍓🍍, 1 scoop super green food, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:30 pm ~  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter and lots of salt and hot sauce.  1.5+ lbs fried beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 grams Omega 3 Fish Oil, 11 cups black coffee and 2-4 ozs heavy cream.

5:30 pm ~  Lots of Salt 🧂 with sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,650

238 grams Protein

130 grams Fat

110 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, September 21, 2020

Breath of Fresh Air 🌅

It feels nice to be able to breathe again! 

The gyms are open, the air is clean and fall starts tomorrow! Who knows how are the holidays are going to be. We will just have to wait and see. 

But please do not give up on your health 🙏 Your health is the most important thing that you have. Without your health you can't work, be there for your family or do anything. 

Unfortunately, health is the one thing money can't buy. Once you lose it, it's gone. Life is too short as it is. Don't waste your life by letting your health go. It's real easy making excuses to be lazy or eat horrible food because of the environment we are currently in. You have to hold strong and never give up! Keep up your routine, you can do this!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am  11 oz coconut 🥥 water,1 scoop Raw Grass Fed Whey blended with fruit 🍌🍓🍍, 1 scoop super green food, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:30 pm ~  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter and lots of salt and hot sauce.  1.5+ lbs fried beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 grams Omega 3 Fish Oil, 11 cups black coffee and 2-4 ozs heavy cream.

5:30 pm ~  Lots of Salt 🧂 with sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,650

238 grams Protein

130 grams Fat

110 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, September 14, 2020

Beware of the Air 💨☢️☠️

I hope everyone is breathing okay in all this smokey air! The best thing to do is just stay indoors with an air purifier. When the air quality is this bad it can do some serious damage to your lungs. 

I'm so happy the gyms are open again! Now is the the time to get back into your exercise routine if you haven't already. I think the best time to work out is first thing in the morning. The gyms are usually relatively empty and it's better for your body to workout on an empty stomach. Some people think that if they take something before weight training, like a "pre-workout" drink, then they will perform better. This is not true. Your body will function just fine without any supplements or food before your workout. I've experimented with this many times and I've actually been stronger on an empty stomach. 

The food plan is still going strong. Eating your carbs separate from your fats is the way to go. You actually don't have to eat any carbs at all, but I do after I workout in the morning to help replenish my glycogen storages. It works for me but maybe not for you. You have to see how your body responds. 

Stay healthy my friends and stay indoors if you can until all this smoke clears out!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:00 am  11 oz coconut 🥥 water,1 scoop Raw Grass Fed Whey blended with fruit 🍌🍓🍍, 1 scoop super green food, 5 g magnesium & calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:30 pm ~  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter and lots of salt and hot sauce.  1.5+ lbs fried beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 3.6 grams Omega 3 Fish Oil, 11 cups black coffee and 2-4 ozs heavy cream.

5:30 pm ~  Lots of Salt 🧂 with sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,650

238 grams Protein

130 grams Fat

110 grams Carbohydrates

Monday, September 7, 2020

Gone with the Wind 💨

Wow, this summer sure has flown by and it's going out with some record breaking heat! It's mind boggling to think that fall is only 2 weeks away 😲

I hope everyone is back on track doing your health right everyday the right way. I know I'm pushing forward and staying consistent with the Chiropractic Lifestyle. If you keep doing what I'm doing, you will be healthy too!

My workouts are getting better and better. I'm not getting any younger, but I am stronger now and in better shape than I've ever been in my entire life. I attribute my entire health to living the Chiropractic Lifestyle. 

I'm in much better shape, stronger and have lower body fat then people half my age. My health and fitness levels are easily better than 90% of the population. If I compare myself to other people in my age group it's more like 98%. 

I'm nothing special. I'm just following the plan just like I teach you all to do. The formula is simple and it works. When you do the right things on a regular basis being healthy is not special it's normal. 

Our bodies are made to last a lifetime and most people are made to live at least 100 years. The one thing we do have relative control over is the quality of those years we are alive. If you live the Chiropractic Lifestyle and use me as your mentor, coach and example, you will enjoy life with optimal function every day you are alive. 💯

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

9:30 am  11 oz coconut 🥥 water,1 scoop Grass-Fed Whey Protein blended with 16 oz berries 🍌🍓🍒🍑, 2 bananas, 1 scoop organic green powder, 5 g magnesium/calcium powder and 5 g creatine.

1:30 pm ~  6 chicken eggs 🍳 scrambled in 2 ozs of butter and lots of salt and hot sauce.  1.5+ lbs fried beef 🥩, salt, hot sauce, 10 cups black coffee and 2-4 ozs heavy cream.

5:30 pm ~  About 3,500 mg salt 🧂 with sparkling water

Macros Break Down:

Total Calories:  2,650

238 grams Protein

130 grams Fat

110 grams Carbohydrates

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...