Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Where did you go rain?

I hope we get some more storms soon! I think the last one was a teaser. A friend of mine in LA says it was raining cats and dogs yesterday. 

Well we are already nearing the end of January and I hope everyone is still on track with their New Year's goals. Keep pushing and never give up. Value your health above anything else. If you neglect your health because of work, then you are making a big mistake. 

One thing money can't buy is health. Follow the food plan, get stay well adjusted and find time to exercise. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 8 oz Organic Coconut Water, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Banana 

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ Isalean Shake1 scoop Red Drink, 1 cup Beets, 1 Organic Apple

Dinner (6pm) ~ 16oz Chicken or Beef, 10 oz pineapple

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Work it!!

I hope everyone's new year is going smoothly! Stick to the plan and never give up!!

I started doing some sprints last week and my calves are so sore. I always work my calves in the gym with weights, but sprints are entirely different.

Well like the old saying goes...no pain, no gains ;)

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 8 oz Organic Coconut Water, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Banana 

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ Isalean Shake8 oz Organic Coconut Water, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 cup Beets, 1 Organic Apple

Dinner (6pm) ~ 1/2 of a Chicken, 10 oz pineapple

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy New Year!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years! For a lot of people, the new year means new goals and a new beginning. The most important goal one should have is getting their health back. Once a person has their health back, then maintaining one's health is really easy when they live the Chiropractic Lifestyle.

The only way the human body works is from electrical power, which is generated by the brain. This power is then transmitted through the electrical wiring system of the body called the nervous system. If the power is ever cut off to the body, then the body will not work, and will eventually die. The best way to ensure your body is receiving maximum power from the brain is by keeping the spine in alignment. Thankfully Chiropractors are experts at correcting and maintaining spinal alignment. 

Once your body is receiving full power from the brain, the next step is to give your body the right kind of fuel. Just like if you give your car poor quality fuel it will have poor performance and break down faster. The same is true with your body. You need to consume high quality organic food to help you body function better and live longer. 

Finally your body craves, and has to have, movement, to keep all your muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, bones, blood vessels, lungs and heart healthy. Sedentary lifestyles will accelerate aging and degeneration in your body. You have to exercise on a daily basis if you expect to maintain full function your whole life. 

So the big 3 you have to have for good health and longevity are: Chiropractic, Good Food and Exercise. Together this is called the Chiropractic Lifestyle. Not only do I teach this to my practice members, I also practice it myself to lead by example. 

Hopefully my training and education will inspire you to be healthy and live the Chiropractic Lifestyle!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan:

Breakfast (10am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Banana 

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup Organic Quinoa, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ 1/2 Chicken, 10 oz pineapple,

Dinner (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 1 cup Beets, 1 Organic Apple

Beverages ~ 4 cups of Organic Green Tea with 1/2 a lemon each cup and Sparkling Mineral Water.

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...