Monday, February 25, 2013

Awesome First Week!

I made it through my first week of living the chiropractic lifestyle by incorporating all my organic healthy food. It actually was really easy. I found that in the morning I would be hungry but as soon as I had my shake the hunger was immediately gone. When my 12pm meal came around I was definitely ready to eat but not famished. Then my subsequent meals I was just eating because I knew I had to eat every 3 hours, however, I found that I really wasn't hungry. Each day I experienced the same pattern. The whole week I didn't crave any junk food, my energy levels were constant and steady every day, and my ability to think and problem solve seemed enhanced.

Well I really looking forward to my second week of eating all organic and clean. I find that I'm actually saving a lot of money. Here is my Trader Joe's receipt for this week:

The total for the food this week was $121.30 because I added a few organic snack items, a fruit/ vegetable power, and Chia Seeds. I figured I wasn't taking in enough variety of fruits and vegetables so the organic fruit and vegetable powders would supplement that.

I also replaced the organic strawberries with organic raspberries and organic pears with organic apples. My food plan for this week is as follows:

Breakfast ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 2 cups organic raspberries with a handful of walnuts
Lunch ~ 4 Hardboiled eggs, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2 tbs butter, 2 tbs Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed carrots, and 2 cups steamed broccoli
Mid-Afternoon ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 organic apple
Dinner ~ 2 cups yogurt, 2 cups blueberries, 1 banana, handful walnuts, 1 tbs honey
Evening ~ Isalean Shake, 1-2 organic oranges
Snacks ~ Organic Popcorn, Cliff Bars, Organic Peppermints, and Unsweetened Sparkling Water
Seasonings (lunch) ~ Turmeric, Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce

Another aspect of living the chiropractic wellness lifestyle is doing regular exercise. Each week I will review my work outs I did. I'm getting over an injury now, so each subsequent week my workouts will change until I'm back at 100%.

Last week I went to the gym only 2 times. On Tuesday I trained Back and on Friday I trained legs. I missed my chest and shoulders work out which I'm going to do tomorrow. I also did zero cardio. I'm hoping this week I will be more consistent with my weight training and I'm motivated to start doing some cardio again. I'm thinking I will do swimming for cardio in the form of interval training. I will swim for 20 minutes, swimming hard for 1 minute, easy for 1 minute and repeat. Studies have shown this to be the most effective cardio.

Here are my current pictures:

I will take pictures of myself every 30 days so you can see the physical changes.

Now I'm off to have my weekly spinal check-up with my chiropractor!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What is a Chiropractic Lifestyle?

A Chiropractic Lifestyle is a combination of healthy eating, exercise, and regular spine care. This helps people live life with optimal function, health, and vitality.

The first step in getting life flowing again is to remove nerve interference by keeping your spine in alignment. Spinal misalignment can literally choke the life out of you.

Once you get the power flowing, then it's time to fuel the body with organic healthy food. You can have all the power that life has to offer going to all your Organs, Muscles and Glands, but if you eat the wrong food this can lead to excessive body fat and other health problems. Studies show that when the body has too much fat this causes your energy levels to drop, chronic back pain, arthritis in the knees, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and cancer.

Most people get fat because of too much food intake and the wrong food choices. A combination of a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits results in the problems we see.

So the question is how does one eat the right food and still enjoy life? Most diets or food plans I have seen are not realistic. Like the other day, I heard about the "Cabbage Soup Diet". All you do is eat cabbage soup all day. Sure you will probably lose fat but how can somebody keep that up?! I know I can't!

Over several years I have studied, experimented, and tried many different eating strategies to burn fat off my body. Usually, I would be successful in burning off the fat, but then my eating habits went back to the way they were before, and I would gain all the fat back. Finally, I discovered the right foods to eat to get lean and stay lean.

For this chiropractic lifestyle blog, I am going to show you how I eat every week, to stay lean. This kind of eating should be incorporated into your chiropractic lifestyle. I'm also going to show you that eating all organic food is affordable and totally satisfying.

In order for me to teach and train you how to live the chiropractic lifestyle, I have to live it myself. Hopefully, I'm an inspiration and able to help more people.

Yesterday I went to Trader Joe's and bought my food for the week. I bought everything organic and I didn't go broke doing so. Here's a copy of my receipt:

As you can see one week of food only cost me $64.17 and I bought everything organic.

Here is what my food looks like that I will be eating everyday for the whole week:

My food plan for this week will be:

Breakfast ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink, 2 cups organic strawberries with a handful of walnuts
Lunch ~ 4 whole eggs, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2 tbs butter, 2 cups steamed carrots, 2 cups steamed broccoli
Mid-Afternoon ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 2 organic pears
Dinner ~ 2 cups yogurt, 2 cups blueberries, 1 banana, handful walnuts, 1 tbs honey
Evening ~ Isalean Shake, 2 organic oranges

I bought my shakes from Isagenix and that costs me $288.61 for the whole month. I have found Isagenix shakes to be the best shakes out there. They have the best ingredients, they are whole meals, and they keep me full for over 3 hours. I'm hoping to keep my total food costs down to about $570 per month.

In my food plan, I am eating every 3 hours. So next week I will report how I felt all week from eating like this.

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...