Sunday, January 28, 2024

Healthy Routines 🤓

Day in and day out, this is what health is all about! You must stick to a daily routine that supports and sustains your health. Health is an accumulation of habits that are done on a consistent basis. When you have a plan of action for health, consistency is key.

I make the process easy for you by leading you by example and demonstrating how to live a life that is healthy and sustainable. This is called The Chiropractic Lifestyle.

The foundation of health is a healthy spine. Your spine must stay in alignment for normal function in your body. Your spine surrounds and protects your nervous system. The nervous system controls every organ, muscle, and gland. However, the nervous system is sensitive to pressure. You may have experienced this when hitting your “funny bone”. The funny bone is actually the ulnar nerve that is exposed in the elbow. When nerves get pinched it hurts. When nerves experience pressure it decreases nerve flow to all your vital organs. This can lead to weakness in your body which can lead to dysfunction.

The nervous system is most susceptible to pressure as it exits the spine. If your spine is stiff, rigid, or out of alignment, this can place abnormal pressure on your nerves.

Besides healthy nerve flow, your body also needs healthy food. I have created an outline for healthy eating that provides all the nutrition your body needs and keeps your body lean and strong.

When your body has normal power from the brain and all the nutrition it needs to function normally, you then need to move your body to keep your muscles, joints, and cardiovascular system healthy.

These 3 principles of the Chiropractic Lifestyle will allow you to achieve and maintain optimal health.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am 👉 Cardio & Weight training

7:30 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 6 oz beef, 3 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

10:30 am 👉 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 orange, 1 scoop wild berry superfood powder, and 5 grams creatine. 

1:30 pm 👉 6 oz beef, 3 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,800 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 200 grams

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Few The Proud 😉

The gym is already starting to thin out! I’m happy for all the people who want to get healthy for 2024, but I knew it would be short-lived. This is good news for me because one of the reasons I love working out early in the morning is so that I don’t have to stand in line for the gym equipment I want to use. 

When all these new people showed up on the 1st, they were hogging up all the machines I like and staring at their phones. People need to be more cognizant and respectful of other people and not spend excessive time on a machine. We all have limited time to work out in the morning and we don’t have time to wait for someone to update their Facebook status. I think some people just like to brag to their friends that they are at the gym working out finally.

This week went really well for me. I’m still enjoying my food plan and I really like splitting up my big morning meal into two meals. My workouts have been consistent and I’m feeling stronger and more flexible. My spine has been feeling great. I continue to do activities that maintain spinal mobility, alignment, strength, and stability.

There are a lot of people with strong muscles but they still have back pain. The key is spinal stability. This is when you train your core musculature. The core muscles are not your abs. The core muscles are the small spinal stabilizers that surround and protect your spine. Your core muscles engage when the bigger muscles move you around.

If your core muscles are weak then your spine may shift out of alignment when you do something simple like pick an object up off the ground. When this happens pain ensues. 

I think a lot of people confuse their core with strong abs. Yes, it’s important to have a strong midsection but the emphasis should be on the transverse abdominis. This muscle wraps around your waist like a belt. To engage your TVA, you must suck in your stomach, especially before you try to lift something.

Keep pushing towards your goals this year and never give up!

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am 👉 Cardio & Weight training

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 6 oz beef, 3 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am 👉 6 oz beef, 3 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm 👉 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 scoop wild berry superfood powder, 5 grams creatine, 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Let the Resolutions Begin 🌊

Wow, it is finally starting to feel like winter; we even have snow in Lake Tahoe!

I had a great week living and teaching the Chiropractic Lifestyle. A lot of people have an interest in getting healthy this year. They have New Year’s resolutions and the gyms are super crowded right now. I hope people are successful in the effort to get healthy, but history and experience tell me that most people will give up after a couple of weeks. Some people might even last a month. 

I saw one person yesterday morning at the gym who literally spent an hour and a half doing cardio. I couldn’t believe it. If only she knew that fat loss starts in the kitchen, not the gym. The vast majority of people in the gym are there to get rid of body fat. The problem is that you cannot out-train poor food intake. 90% of successful fat burning is done through diligent food planning.

My clients understand that food planning is not only vital for fat loss but it’s important for health as well. I teach people to eat healthy and stay active, so they can naturally burn excess body fat. When I hear about these extreme diets people are doing with a really low caloric intake, I cringe to think of the suffering and damage that’s being done to a person’s metabolism.

The good news is there is a smarter way to approach health. This is why I created the Chiropractic Lifestyle. I lead by example and share my experiences so other people can be inspired, learn, and change.

Sustainable health is the ultimate goal of the Chiropractic Lifestyle. Any type of health plan you follow should be something you can keep doing for the rest of your life.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am 👉 Cardio & Weight training

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz Liqui Vive, 5.9 oz beef, 3 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am 👉 5.9 oz beef, 3 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm 👉 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 scoop wild berry superfood powder, 5 grams creatine, 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy New Year 🎉

Happy New Year!

This year is going to be your best year ever! You have 365 days, which gives you 365 chances to be successful in anything that you want to do.

The Chiropractic Lifestyle is going strong for my patients. This lifestyle works and helps people stay healthy and active. People focus on regular spine care, healthy food intake, and daily exercise. The strategy is to establish and maintain a strong core, fuel the body with optimal nutrition, and stimulate the body with regular exercise.

My role is to motivate, inspire, and coach people on how to incorporate the Chiropractic Lifestyle into their lives. I lead people by example and demonstrate how and why the Chiropractic Lifestyle is effective and sustainable.

I wish everyone a successful 2024 living their life with optimal function, passion, and happiness.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am 👉 Cardio & Weight training

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz LiquiVive, 5.9 oz beef, 3 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am 👉 5.9 oz beef, 3 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm 👉 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, 1 scoop wild berry superfood powder, 5 grams creatine, 220 mg Magnesium Glycinate. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies  

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...