Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Starting to get cold!

Loving the Chiropractic Lifestyle! Another great week of good food, exercise, and chiropractic. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ 2 cups nonfat organic yogurt, 2 cups pesticide free blueberries, 1 organic banana, handful walnuts, cinnamon, and 2 tbsp raw organic honey

Dinner (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 2 Organic Apple

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 2 Oranges

Snack ~ Sunflower Seeds

Beverages ~ 4-6 cups of Organic Green Tea with Organic lemon Juice

Keep life simple and follow my lead. I'm here for your health. Lets do this! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Keep pushing forward

Halloween is almost here. I'm sure all the parties will be this weekend. Well if you are following the Chiropractic Lifestyle you could eat, drink, and be merry. Enjoy life and have fun! 

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ 2 cups nonfat organic yogurt, 2 cups pesticide free blueberries, 1 organic banana, handful walnuts, cinnamon, and 2 tbsp raw organic honey

Dinner (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 2 Organic Apple

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 2 Oranges

Snack ~ Sunflower Seeds

Beverages ~ 4-6 cups of Organic Green Tea with Organic lemon Juice

My workouts are going great. I'm keeping my muscles, tendons, and joints healthy. Come on down and work out with me. I will show you the ropes. I'm going for my weekly adjustment tomorrow. Make sure you get adjusted at least once a week. Subluxations or nerve interference is painless. Get checked and turn the power on! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Here comes the holidays!

Have no fear, when the holidays get here, don't worry about gaining a bunch of weight! Just keep following the Chiropractic Lifestyle and you will stay healthy. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ 2 cups nonfat organic yogurt, 2 cups pesticide free blueberries, 1 organic banana, handful walnuts, cinnamon, and 2 tbsp raw organic honey

Dinner (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 2 Organic Apple

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 2 Oranges

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Go A's!!!

It's getting cooler outside and the days are getting shorter. Here comes the holidays. This is the best time to be diligent with your healthy eating. Stay on course so that when you have those holiday treats it won't affect your physique. Live the Chiropractic Lifestyle and stay healthy!

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ 2 cups nonfat organic yogurt, 2 cups pesticide free blueberries, 1 organic banana, handful walnuts, cinnamon, and 2 tbsp raw organic honey

Dinner (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Apple

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 2 Oranges

Snacks ~ Sunflower Seeds

I had my awesome chiropractic adjustment today and this morning I trained chest and triceps. Remember to meet me down at the gym for some exercise training. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hello October!

Time is sure flying by! It seems like the older I get the faster time goes. It also seems like the older I get the more aware I am about what I put into my body. I believe your health and your freedom are the most important things you have in life. You have total control over your health, so follow my lead and make the right choices. If you stick with the Chiropractic Lifestyle you will enjoy many years of health and optimal function. 

Chiropractic Lifestyle food supplies:

Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan:

Breakfast (9am) ~  Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Red Drink

Lunch (12pm) ~ 4 Hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup quinoa, 2 tbsp butter, 2 tsp Chia Seeds, 2 cups steamed organic carrots, and 2 cups steamed organic broccoli, seasonings (Turmeric, Sea Salt, Pepper, Frank's Hot Sauce)

Mid-Afternoon (3pm) ~ 2 cups nonfat organic yogurt, 2 cups pesticide free blueberries, 1 organic banana, handful walnuts, cinnamon, and 2 tbsp raw organic honey

Dinner (6pm) ~ Isalean Shake, 1 scoop Green Drink, 1 Organic Apple

Evening (9pm) ~ Isalean Shake,

Snacks ~ Sunflower Seeds

Today I'm going in for my weekly adjustment. For my workouts I'm still working out in the morning, but now I'm doing a 3 days on and 1 day off routine. Broken down like this: Legs/Shoulders, Back/Biceps, Chest/Triceps, and on the day off I do abs/cardio. If you want to train with me at the gym, let me know and you can work out with me. I usually start around 7:30am after my warm up.

Keep pushing! Get fit and never quit. 

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...