Friday, November 24, 2023

Stuffed like a Turkey 😋

I hope everyone got enough to eat yesterday. Now it’s time to shop until you drop. This is a great day to get some good deals on your Christmas shopping. My favorite day is Cyber Monday. But last year there weren’t too many good deals.

If you overate and feel guilty don’t worry it’s no big deal. Just slide right back on track today and continue your normal food plan. One day of eating anything and everything is not going to be your downfall. It’s all good and your body won’t even remember yesterday after a few days of sticking to your food plan.

The gym looked like a ghost town this morning. Even at 5 am, there are usually a decent number of regulars who work out every day like me. But many of them were out of town or still passed out from their food coma. However, I’m sure later today the gym will be packed with all these people thinking they can work off all the food they consumed.

Enjoy your time off from work and enjoy this beautiful weather.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am 👉 Cardio & Weight training

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am 👉 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm 👉 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

Rainy days are here again

The holidays are upon us and typically this time of the year is the hardest for people to stick to their healthy lifestyle. You can still enjoy the holiday food without sabotaging your health. Everything is in moderation and, one day of eating anything and everything, will not have a significant impact on your health. Just enjoy yourself, and if you feel like eating ice cream and pumpkin pie all day, then do it. The next day, pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. It would take several days of falling off the wagon and splurging on delicious delicacies to start changing your metabolism and placing you in fat-storage mode. Momentum shifts are real and they do take time to start and reverse. If you ever fall off your food plan for a while then you must expect to take some time to get back on track. 

I’ve been sticking to my food plan like a magnet. I absolutely love beef, rice, eggs, and cheese. It’s so good it should be illegal! Unlike most diets people do, I look forward to my award-winning meals. I always feel satisfied and full. I’m never hungry and I have energy all day long.

The workout plan is strong and consistent. I’ve been doing cardio every day for the past 2 months and it’s a great way to warm up before your weight training if you workout in the gym.

My spine care plan is regular and sustainable. I’m keeping my spine mobile, aligned, and strong. A healthy spine means better function and optimal health. Your spine care is the foundation of your health.

Applying these principles of the Chiropractic Lifestyle is essential to a long and healthy life. Keep your health plan simple and don’t overthink it.

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving. Please be cool, calm, and collective around your family. The holidays are not meant to argue about problems from the past.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am 👉 Cardio & Weight training

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am 👉 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm 👉 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Healthy Routine 😀

Healthy living is easy when you have a plan. The Chiropractic Lifestyle provides a foundation for health and vitality. When you are mindful of your food intake, your exercise frequency, and your spine care, you can experience a life filled with energy and optimal function.

This time change definitely had an effect on my sleep! I find myself getting up way too early and I’m having trouble falling back to sleep. I wish the government would stop changing the clocks twice a year. I know a law was passed to stop daylight savings time in California, and the bill passed the Senate, now we have to wait for House approval.

The Chiropractic Lifestyle food plan is going great. I love my current food plan and I didn’t have any major changes this week. I enjoy splitting up my first big meal into two smaller meals. I don’t feel too full and I look forward to eating the second half.

The Chiropractic exercise plan is consistent and working great for me. My exercises are focused on maintaining strength and lean muscle. I still do about three sets to failure after I get in several warm-up sets. I do cardio on the stair master every day for thirty minutes before my weight training. My muscles feel warmed up and ready to go with this approach.

My Chiropractic spine care is integrated into my exercise routine. I add in core stabilization exercises when I train my back. I focus on back extension exercises with scapular retractions on an exercise ball and I do ball bridging while activating my transverse abdominus. I also maintain spinal mobility by seeing my chiropractor periodically and utilizing a spine roller to help maintain motion in all my vertebrae.

You better get out there and start Christmas shopping! Don’t procrastinate, get it done early and your future self will thank you!

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am 👉 Cardio & Weight training

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am 👉 5.5 oz beef, 2 free-range eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm 👉 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Fall Back ⏳

Happy November! 

One holiday down and two to go. Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays but I’m not sure what I’m doing this year.

The food plan is on point and I love every meal. I feel full, satisfied, and never hungry. I experimented with protein intake to measure satiety, hunger, and performance. I figured it out what works best for me.

My workout plan is consistent and effective. I get up every day now at 4:30 am and I get to the gym at about 5 am. I start off with 30 minutes of cardio and then I do about 30-45 minutes of weight training. Waking up early gives me a chance to get all my workouts done and then have plenty of time to eat and get ready for the workday.

I’m keeping up with my spine care by maintaining mobility, alignment, and strength. A healthy spine equals normal movement and optimal function in the body.

Well, stay warm out there, the mornings have been frigid.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food & Exercise Plan

5:00 am 👉 Cardio & Weight training

8 am 👉 10 oz Organic Greek Plain Whole Milk Yogurt, 1 oz  LiquiVive, 5.5 oz beef, 2 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K.  

11am 👉 5.5 oz beef, 2 organic eggs, 2 oz cheese, 1 oz butter, 1/2 cup organic rice, and 600 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

2 pm 👉 16.9 oz coconut water, 2 scoops whey protein, 2 scoops collagen powder, & 1 scoop fruit powder. 

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,769 Protein: 178 grams   Fat: 118 grams   Carbs: 191 grams

                                            Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies 

Happy 2025 🤯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...