Monday, November 28, 2022

Shop till you Drop πŸ’Έ

I hope everyone had a happy turkey day!

The good news is that if you live the Chiropractic Lifestyle you don’t worry or stress about one day, or even one weekend, of eating anything and everything. A few days of gluttony will not sabotage your health or fitness goals. The key is to let it go and keep pushing forward.

Now is the time to wrap up 2022 and prepare for 2023. The last month of the year should be spent reflecting on your accomplishments and developing new goals for the new year. What kind of goals do you have planned for your health next year? Hopefully, you are already on track with your health. This will leave a lot of energy for other goals you may have in your life.

If you are doing any shopping today for Cyber Monday, I hope you find some outstanding deals. The Black Friday deals looked pathetic. Most of the values I saw were like 20% off. I was thinking that sounded like a Memorial Day sale?! Black Friday should be 50 to 70% off!

Good luck out there and happy savings.

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am πŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 2 bananas, 6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, Coffee, 2 oz half & half, 200 mg Magnesium, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K. 

12 pm πŸ‘‰ 20 oz cooked chicken thighs, salt, and sparkling water.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,152 Protein: 179 grams   Fat: 124 grams   Carbs: 80 grams

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Spine Care Implications πŸ’Ÿ

It’s hard to believe, but the year's biggest holidays are coming. This is when people let go of their fitness goals and tell themselves they will start over after the first of the year. This kind of mindset is why most fail themselves and have difficulty staying healthy all year long. The key to good health and sustainability is found in the Chiropractic Lifestyle.

I often have people ask me what chiropractic has to do with healthy living. To clarify, I explain that the word "chiropractic" is a specific name for a spinal manipulation technique that helps realign a person's spine. Spinal manipulation was first used by Hippocrates and has since been used by all sorts of clinicians like chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, and physical therapists. There are many spinal manipulation techniques but the scientific evidence has found that the chiropractic technique is the best of the best. 

Doctors who are experts in the chiropractic technique are called chiropractors. In Latin the word "chiropractor" means hand (chiro) practitioner (practor). Unfortunately, the name chiropractor does not accurately describe the conditions chiropractors treat and manage. It’s like calling a medical doctor a medicator.

Most people don't realize that chiropractors are doctors who are trained in the diagnosis and conservative treatment of mechanical spine pain. So then where does this Chiropractic Lifestyle fit in with spine care? Well, the chiropractic lifestyle embraces the need to maintain a healthy spine and considers lifestyle factors that can impact the health of the spine. 

For example, weak muscles and an unhealthy food plan can lead to spinal instability and excess body fat. This can subsequently cause direct stress on the spine and cause misalignments, inflammation, and spinal arthritis.

When you follow the Chiropractic Lifestyle you can rest assured you are doing everything you can to maintain optimal health and function in your body. The only tricky part is sticking to the plan.

Have a great week and stay warm out there!

Carpe Diem

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am πŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 2 bananas, 6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, Coffee, 2 oz half & half, 200 mg Magnesium, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K. 

12 pm πŸ‘‰ 20 oz cooked chicken thighs, salt, and sparkling water.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,152 Protein: 179 grams   Fat: 124 grams   Carbs: 80 grams 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Happy Birthday Marine Corps πŸ‘Ή

Happy Birthday Marines 🍻

Tonight is a good night to stay indoors. A bunch of drunk Marines will be filling the bars and roaming the streets.

The food plan is going strong and no major changes this week. I love getting all my food in early in the day. I feel like my food digests better and I feel better overall. I have consistent energy all day and never feel hungry.

The exercise plan is going strong. I tried doing my workouts in the evening for a while and it totally sucked. There were too many people there hogging up the exercise machines just staring at their phones. Another problem with evening workouts is that it is easy to make excuses not to go work out for whatever reason. Definitely, the best time to work out is first thing in the morning.

My spine care plan is working well. I’m maintaining my spine mobility, alignment, and strength. Ironically, I think this part of the Chiropractic Lifestyle Plan is the hardest part for most people. Some people think that spine care only involves getting their spine adjusted by a chiropractor periodically. Getting adjusted is definitely important to detect and correct any vertebrae that are stuck out of alignment but you also have to stretch and strengthen the muscles to maintain mobility, alignment, and strength. Unfortunately, most people only think about spine care when they are in pain. This ideology is analogous to only brushing and flossing your teeth when they hurt. By the time you start caring the damage has been done. You have to be proactive in your spine care and do the necessary things to keep your spine healthy.

Stay safe out there, and if you know any military veterans, make sure you thank them for their service tomorrow.

Semper Fi


Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am πŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 7 oz Organic Plain Greek Yogurt, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1 banana, 6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, Coffee, 2 oz half & half, 200 mg Magnesium, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K. 

12 pm πŸ‘‰ 20 oz of cooked chicken thighs, salt, and sparkling water.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,260 Protein: 185 grams   Fat: 130 grams   Carbs: 136 grams 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Frozen Chosen πŸ¦…πŸŒŽ⚓

Wow, I feel like I’m living in Alaska πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά

At least when you are cold you can always wear more clothes. The worst is trying to sleep when you don’t have enough blankets to keep you warm. However, even if it is cold in my bedroom, if I use too many blankets, I will wake up drenched in sweat.

Well, one more week until we have the best holiday of the year! Lock your doors and stay away from any bars next Thursday.

I hope everyone had a great week sticking to the food plan, exercising, and maintaining spinal mobility and alignment. With all the holidays here, don’t worry about indulging every once in a while. Just keep sticking to the plan and you’ll be fine.

I didn’t have any changes to my food plan this week. The only thing I switched up was eating my eggs with my shake in the morning and eating the chicken by itself.

Stay warm out there!

Carpe diem!

Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Supplies

    Chiropractic Lifestyle Food Plan

8 am πŸ‘‰ 11.2 oz coconut water, 1 scoop whey protein, 7 oz Organic Plain Greek Yogurt, 2 g Creatine, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1000mg Organic Lion’s Mane, 1 banana, 6 eggs, 2 oz cheese, 2 oz butter, Coffee, 2 oz half & half, 200 mg Magnesium, Vitamin D, & Vitamin K. 

12 pm πŸ‘‰ 20 oz of cooked chicken thighs, salt, and sparkling water.

Macros Breakdown

Calories: 2,260 Protein: 185 grams   Fat: 130 grams   Carbs: 136 grams 

Happy 2025 🀯

Happy New Year!  This will be a fantastic year filled with health and success for you. Now is the time to write out this year’s goals. At ...